Data Visualization and Analysis: Microsoft Power BI

Power BI is a Microsoft product that provides data visualizations and analysis from unrelated sources of data that can be shared with other Power BI users.

Categories (5)

Importing and Transforming Data

The first step to a data analysis project is to import the needed data and to make any necessary adjustments to the data. The following articles will give you the basic overview of bringing data into Power BI and transforming it in Power Query Editor.

Data Models

Power BI uses a model-based approach to performing its calculations. Having a good model is essential to make sure you have a good working model. These articles will give you the basics of the model view and with forming relationships between tables.

Data View

Once you have imported your data, you may want to explore your data in more detail to make sure there aren’t any issues, or to check if your calculations are accurate. Sometimes, your dataset might be too big to see in its entirety in Power Query (Power Query only lets you see up to 1,000 rows), but you can use the data view to explore your data even further. These articles will go over the basics of the data view.

Building Reports

The bulk of your work will be done in the report view. This is the face of your report, where you’ll build your visuals and other elements to help guide your reader. The following articles will go over the report view and how to add visuals to your report. There are also articles on adding filters to your report and conditional formatting to your visuals.

Publishing Reports

Once you build your report, you might want to publish them for others to gain insights from your data. Publishing is straight-forward, but you will need to manage the permissions of your workspaces and reports to ensure that the people you want to show your report to can access it. These articles will go over publishing your reports and how to manage your permissions.

Articles (1)

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