Understanding the standard software available on University-owned devices

Tags Software


Computers and devices set up and managed by OHIO IT will come with the latest version of the below software packages installed, on both Windows and Mac devices, unless otherwise specified.


Windows devices, Mac devices


The following software packages will be automatically installed on all University-owned devices that are managed and set up by OHIO IT:

In addition to the standard software packages above, there are optional software packages available via your device's self-service portal. You can install these yourself using the Software Center for Windows devices or Self-Service for Mac devices .

Outcome: You should now understand the standard software packages that are automatically installed on all devices managed by OHIO IT.

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Additional resources

  • Submit a Technology Review for desired software that is not standard software or software available in the Software Center/Self-Service

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Article ID: 530
Fri 9/30/22 11:27 AM
Wed 11/22/23 11:55 AM
