Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)


Canvas is OHIO's new Learning Management System, designed to create a more streamlined and engaging learning experience by allowing students to easily access course materials and communicate with their instructors and peers. For information on OHIO's transition to Canvas, visit the Canvas Learning Management System Implementation  website.


Who Can Access

All active OHIO faculty, staff, and students can access Canvas at

Access to Courses

  • Faculty and staff 
    • Academic courses: Canvas courses are created automatically eight weeks prior to the course’s start date based on the course information in OHIO's  student information system , PeopleSoft.
    • Instructors of record can access their course(s) and add or delete content any time after the course has been created.  
    • Instructors can publish the courses for students to see as early as two weeks before the term start date. 
  • Students 
    • Students enrolled in a course can access the course if: 
      • The instructor has made the course available to students, AND 
      • The course start date is no more than two weeks in the future. 

Note: It may take up to 12 hours for students to see their course in Canvas if the course was added after the semester start date.  

How to Request Access

Manually created courses (test courses) can be used to explore Canvas features, build content for future "real" courses, or to create an organization. 

All instructors have one test course automatically created in their Canvas account. The test course should appear on the Canvas Dashboard and in the Courses tab in the left navigation menu. The course name will include “Instructor Test Course” and the instructor's OHIO ID.

To request additional test courses or non-term-based courses, submit a request for a manually created course


Instructors & Organizational Leaders

  • Apply OHIO course templates designed by the Office of Instructional Design (OID)
  • Create tests and assignments in one central location
  • Organize articles, documents, videos, and other media files for your course 
  • Provide grades and feedback for assessments and assignments 
  • Communicate with students via announcements, discussion boards, and groups
  • Import shared modules, assignments, quizzes, discussions, pages, or files from Commons to your Canvas course
  • Review reports to see what students/participants are accessing
  • View all upcoming due dates and to-do items across multiple courses in one calendar 
  • Create accessible course content based on automatic feedback from the accessibility checker
  • Access 24/7 support for faculty 
  • Use the Canvas Instructor mobile app to view and edit content, grade assignments, and communicate with students

Students & Participants 

  • Access content for your courses
  • Take tests and submit assignments in one central location
  • View and add course due dates and to-do list items in one calendar
  • Review assignment feedback and grades
  • Update preferred name and pronouns
  • Access 24/7 support for faculty and students   
  • Use the Canvas Student mobile app to view courses, participate in discussions, and interact with your instructor

Connect with Other Applications

Additional Resources

Join the Teaching and Learning Advisory Community

Get Help from Canvas

  • Live chat with Canvas support (Faculty)
  • Get 24-hours/7-days a week Canvas support  
    • Dial the  Canvas Support Hotline number located under "Get Help" in the  Canvas  Global Navigation Menu 
    • Contact OIT at  740-593-1222 for questions related to logging in, test courses/manually created courses, or third-party tools (Panopto, VoiceThread, Inclusive Access, etc.) 

Get Help from OIT


Ohio University strives to make its digital resources and services accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities who may also be using assistive technology. If special steps are necessary in order to improve the accessibility of experiences for end-users, those steps must be taken. 

If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access OHIO websites, videos, online forums, documents, or other information technology, please let us know
For further information about OHIO's digital accessibility resources, see:


The Ohio University Information Security Office strives to educate and empower the University community to appropriately manage risks and protect OHIO’s information and systems. This effort is facilitated through policies, standards, and information security risk management program, as well as other tools and guidance that are provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the University community can teach, learn, and conduct research. 

For additional information about OHIO’s security resources, see:

Create Ticket

Related Articles (56)

The Training Services Portal can be accessed from within Canvas and is home to a diverse range of training resources to assist instructors.
Instructors can manually add and remove teaching assistants (TAs), co-instructors, and other users for Canvas courses.
Instructors can use Assignment Groups to organize the assignments in their course. When Assignment Groups are set up, you can weight the final course grade by assignment groups and filter by assignment groups in the Gradebook.
Canvas allows instructors to display their course content "inline", which enables students to view, minimize, or download content without leaving the Canvas page or being pushed to download external files. Documents, images, and media files can all be added inline to Canvas courses.
Students can adjust their notification preferences within Canvas. They can determine if and when they receive email notifications and/or push notifications.
Instructors can apply custom OHIO course templates to their Canvas courses. Utilizing templates establishes a consistent course structure experience for students.
Canvas offers two ways to communicate with your students: Messaging and Announcements.
This article explains how to configure you Canvas course with Panopto to utilize the integration and access Panopto content.
Learn how to configure student access to your course content through Publication status, Term Dates, and Course Participation Settings.
Instructors can use the Course Import tool in Canvas to transfer content between courses, and additional steps are required to ensure third-party integrations function properly.
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection tool. Instructors can create Turnitin assignments within Canvas.
This article provides guidance to instructors for creating and administering Monitored Exams in Top Hat that can be accessed via Canvas. This ensures the integrity of the exam process while providing a seamless experience for students.
Canvas Commons is a digital library that allows Ohio University instructors to find, share, and import instructional materials to or from your Canvas courses. Within Commons, it is possible to create groups for sharing purposes. This article describes how to request the creation of, renaming of, or membership modification to a Canvas Commons Group.
In Canvas, quiz feedback can be enabled or disabled manually by instructors. Unlike Blackboard, there is no option to enable or disable feedback based on a specific date or specific conditions.
Students can download course content so they can view it offline or without internet access.


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