[Counselor_Educ] Fwd: ***Student Workforce for the Future Forum*** - invite to students for Sept 8 event

Robinson, Mona robinsoh at ohio.edu
Tue Aug 30 20:49:14 EDT 2016
Mona Robinson, PhD, LPCC-S, LSW, CRC
Professor and Chair
Counseling and Higher Edcucation
Ohio University
Patton College of Education
79 S. Court Street
N252 Lindley Hall
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 593-4461 Phone
(740) 593-0477 Fax robinsoh at ohio.edu 
<mailto: robinsoh at ohio.edu 
www.ohio.edu< http://www.ohio.edu 

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From: "Middleton, Renee" < middletr at ohio.edu 
<mailto: middletr at ohio.edu 
Date: August 29, 2016 at 9:08:39 PM EDT
To: "Benoit, Pamela" < benoit at ohio.edu 
<mailto: benoit at ohio.edu 
Cc: "Robinson, Mona" < robinsoh at ohio.edu 
<mailto: robinsoh at ohio.edu 
Subject: Re: ***Student Workforce for the Future Forum*** - invite to students for Sept 8 event


Sharing with Chair for Department of Counseling and Higher Education.


Renée A. Middleton, Ph.D, Dean
The Gladys W. & David H. Patton College of Education
Professor, Counselor Education
OHIO University
Lindley Hall, Room N186
79 South Court Street
Athens, OH  45701
Office: (740) 593-9449; Mobile (740) 591-1704
www.ohio.edu/education< http://www.ohio.edu/education 

*Message sent using my i-Pad--please excuse typos*

On Aug 29, 2016, at 8:38 PM, Benoit, Pamela < benoit at ohio.edu 
<mailto: benoit at ohio.edu 
>> wrote:

FYI.  Pam

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<mailto: copelad1 at ohio.edu 
To: "Benoit, Pamela" < benoit at ohio.edu 
<mailto: benoit at ohio.edu 
>>, "Myers, Laura" < myersl at ohio.edu 
<mailto: myersl at ohio.edu 
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>>, "Babylon, Tammy" < babylon at ohio.edu 
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Subject: FW: ***Student Workforce for the Future Forum*** - invite to students for Sept 8 event

FYI…I’m not sure who all within your areas should be made aware!  Dawn

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<mailto: vogelm at ohio.edu 
Subject: ***Student Workforce for the Future Forum*** - invite to students for Sept 8 event

To:  IUC Provosts and Student Affairs Committee members

Please see below the invitation to students from the Ohio Dept of Mental Health and Addiction Services, for a forum on September 8.  Please share this with the appropriate contacts on your campuses.  Thanks.


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Hi, Mike & Tom –

The Department of Mental Health and Addiction services is holding a form on careers in the behavioral health system at Columbus State on September 9th.  They asked me to see if I could help get the information to the appropriate folks on the public campuses.  Would you have a sense as to the best way to spread the word on this?

Thanks in advance!


From: Cox, Jamoya
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 3:11 PM

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) would like to invite students to participate in a forum on Thursday, September 8th 9:30am – 12:30pm at Columbus State Community College (315 Cleveland Avenue, 4th Floor Ballroom, Columbus, OH).  The forum is designed to raise student awareness about the need for addiction and mental health professionals in the public behavioral health system.  Ohio is one of three states recently selected by The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) to plan the Workforce for the Future Forum.

OhioMHAS’ Director, Tracy Plouck, will be in attendance to discuss the state department’s overall vision for workforce development, including strategies on recruitment and retention.  In addition, Amanda Ferguson, Executive Director of the Ohio Chemical Dependency Board will talk about the field of addiction and credentialing.  The forum will also include individuals speaking from the speaker and field experience perspective.  Sheila Raye Charles, daughter of the late Ray Charles, will be the featured speaker.  Ms. Charles will discuss her recovery journey and the importance of students selecting a professional career in the public behavioral health system.

I would like to request that you share the attached letter of introduction and event poster with your colleagues and students.  We have exactly two weeks to recruit additional students for this important workforce development event.  Food and refreshments will be served!  Please let me know if you or your staff can assist with recruiting Ohio Dominican U. student involvement.  The registration link can be found on both attachments, however, I will include it in this email for your convenience (Register now at www.naadac.org/samhsa-naadac-workforce-forum< http://www.naadac.org/samhsa-naadac-workforce-forum 


Jamoya A. Cox
Disparities and Cultural Competence Manager
Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
30 East Broad Street, 8th Floor
Columbus, Ohio  43215
P: 614.728.5687 Jamoya.Cox at mha.ohio.gov 
<mailto: Jamoya.Cox at mha.ohio.gov 

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<2016 College Student Forum on Addiction.pdf>
<OhioMHAS - Forum Poster.pdf>
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