[Counselor_Educ] FW: Reminder: 2017 NCACES Research Grant Awards Deadline is September 1

Bhat, Christine bhatc at ohio.edu
Thu Aug 24 21:38:06 EDT 2017
Attention doctoral students!

From: Nona Wilson [mailto: nwilson at thechicagoschool.edu 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 9:23 PM
To: Nona Wilson < nwilson at thechicagoschool.edu 
Subject: Reminder: 2017 NCACES Research Grant Awards Deadline is September 1

2017 NCACES Research Grant Awards

Call for Proposals

DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. Central Time, Friday September 1, 2017

Purpose:  The purpose for this call for proposals is to fund studies that increase understanding of the counselor education profession (including research, teaching, supervision, leadership and advocacy). Research grant awards will be presented at the business meeting at the ACES national conference, in Chicago, Illinois during the NCACES Business meeting, 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Friday October 6, 2017.

Descriptions and information about the awards is located below and here: http://ncaces.org/Awards/Research/index.html 
Submissions of award applications will be through an online portal located here: http://ncaces.org/Awards/Research/rsubmit/ 
Who May Apply:

The competition is open to both professional and student members of NCACES. Individuals may submit (or be part of a submission team) for only one proposal. Multiple submissions by any researcher (individually or as part of multiple research teams) will not be accepted.

A. Student (Masters or Doctoral)


o Student Teams

o Student and Faculty Teams

o Faculty Teams


D.New Category: Teaching and Learning in Counselor Education and Supervision*

*This year, we are opening a one-time special category that is specific to best practices in Teaching and Learning in Counselor Education and Supervision. This category addresses one of the following areas (please see the ACES Teaching Taskforce Report for more information on these areas):

1.The application or a deeper understanding of Adult Learning Theories as applied to student learning in the classroom both at the master's and doctoral level

2.Doctoral-level Teaching Preparation: how and to what extent doctoral students are prepared to teach masters and doctoral students in their future

3.Assessment of Student Learning: investigations into how students are assessed and/or challenges and barriers to assessing student learning

4.Online Teaching: Examining online teaching and student learning including differences in approaches between online teaching and traditional "brick and mortar" classes)

5.Developing a Philosophy of Teaching: proposed studies include how students and faculty develop their philosophy and values pertaining to teaching and learning and how these change over time)

6. Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness: Investigations pertaining to how faculty are assessed with regard to their teaching effectiveness including student evaluations, reflective practice and faculty/administration evaluation

7. Student Support and Remediation: Proposed investigations pertain to how programs determine additional support for students in master's and doctoral programs and specific student needs

8. Teaching Excellence: Studies pertaining to specific teaching techniques and their effectiveness in the classroom and on student learning


Recommended Proposal Outline:



Ethical considerations


Plan for Dissemination


Proposal Format: Proposals must adhere to the following:

*Typed in 12 point font, double spaced, with one-inch margins.

*The Proposal document may be a maximum of four pages. Attachments submitted as part of the proposal beyond the 4 page limit will not be reviewed by the committee.

o The "blind" title page and the title page with author identification do not count in the 4 page maximum

o References may be added in addition to the 4 page limit.

*Submitted documents must be in EITHER Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format.  NO OTHER FORMAT WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Deadlines and Reminders

Deadline for Submission:  The deadline for submission is September 1, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. Central Time.  Applicants will be notified by September 18 as to the status of their submissions.

Research Grant Awards: will be presented at the business meeting at the ACES national conference, in Chicago, Illinois at the NCACES Business meeting at 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Friday October 6, 2017. Awardees should be available to receive them OR designate a representative to attend.

Amount of Funding: The research awards committee and NCACES will allocate funds based on the number of and level of excellence of research award proposals. Awards can be funded up to the amount of $750, and lesser amounts may be awarded.

Deadline for Claiming Research Awards: Individuals and teams MUST have completed IRB/Human Subjects Review AND claimed their award by May 1 of the academic year in which the grant was given. NO MONIES WILL BE DISSEMINATED AFTER THAT TIME.

Research Award Submissions

Research award proposal submissions occur in a two stage process. Proposals must be submitted via the process below. Faxed and mailed "hard" copies of proposals will not be considered. Proposals containing any identifying information outside of the title page will not be considered. PLEASE double check your document for identifying researcher or university identifiers.

1.Completion of the online form which requires individual researcher and team researcher(s) contact information, principal investigator ACA/ACES/NCACES membership #, and information regarding financial need and a statement as to the planned dissemination of results. Link to the online form is here: http://ncaces.org/Awards/Research/rsubmit/ 
2.Submitting the research proposal either via uploading on the online form OR directly emailed to Dr. Cassandra Storlie, NCACES President-Elect and Chair of the Research Awards Committee at: cstorlie at kent.edu 
<mailto: cstorlie at kent.edu 


i.A title page with the TITLE of the proposal only (the "blind" title page)

ii.A title page with the title and author identification

iii.The proposal document (4 page maximum not including the title pages and the references)

3.You will receive an email receipt confirming your submission.

Application Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria:  Research proposals will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers using the following criteria:

a.Qualifications of the Researcher:

*The researcher is a regular member or student member of ACES and NCACES, and the researcher has submitted only one proposal for funding in this year's grant program.

b.Quality of the Proposed Research:

*Proposed topic is within the scope of Counselor Education and Supervision (20 points possible)

*Relevance of research to Counselor Education & Supervision as evidenced by the literature review (25 points possible)

*Research Methodology (i.e. the methodology proposed follows accepted practice for research of that kind) (25 points possible)

*Applicable ethical standards for research with human subjects (15 points possible)

c.       Financial Need:

*Clear, itemized, and research-focused budget (10 points possible):  The budget for the research project seems sound given the nature and scope of the proposed project (only the expenses budgeted for the actual conducting of the study will be considered; travel or presentation expenses will not be considered), and the project is not substantially supported by any other funding source (budget statements must include a statement of other funds being used to support the project).

*Funds may not be used for time compensation, including GA work, unless you provide the "employee" with a 1099 Form submitted to the IRS, so that they are taxed appropriately. The budget may include payment for time if the recipient (e.g., transcription company, statistical consultant) accounts for the self-employment or business income and provides a receipt. Receipts must be maintained by the Primary Researcher and made available should ACES request the records.

d.   Plan for Distribution:  A clear, feasible, and appropriate plan for distribution of research findings (5 points possible).  As a condition of the acceptance of the grant award, the researcher is required to complete one of the following by October 30th of the year subsequent to receiving your award:

*Provide a copy of the proposal to present the research results as a poster session at the ACA World Conference or ACES National Conference;

*Provide a copy of the proposal to present the research results as an education session at the ACA World Conference or ACES National Conference;

*Provide to the Research Grant Committee Chair a copy of the manuscript of the research results that has been submitted to a refereed journal for publication consideration.

e.      "Acknowledgment of Support" Agreement: The researcher will include an acknowledgment of ACES financial support of the project in all reports, presentations, or publications related to the supported project.

NCACES Membership Questions? Contact:

Nona L. Wilson, PhD, LCPC
Professor, Counseling Department
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Merchandise Mart, Room 4107
Chicago, IL 60654
Office Phone: 312-467 2369
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