[Counselor_Educ] FW: Doctoral Teaching Internship, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Erby, Adrienne erby at ohio.edu
Tue Oct 9 10:09:48 EDT 2018
Please see below doctoral teaching internship opportunity
Adrienne N. Erby, PhD, LPC, NCC
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University
McCracken Hall 432V erby at ohio.edu 
<mailto: erby at ohio.edu 
Pronouns: she, her, hers
From: "O'Beirne, Brenda R" < obeirneb at uww.edu 
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Doctoral Teaching Internship, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Greetings from UW-Whitewater,
You are receiving this email because you are listed as a Department Chair or Program Coordinator in a Doctoral CES Program. I am writing to share an opportunity with you that I hope you will pass on to your CES doctoral students who are approaching their internship year(s).
At UWW, we are again creating an opportunity for a half-time teaching position for a doctoral student to do learning and serving as they work with faculty and staff in our master’s level counseling program. The position is designed to focus on teaching while experiencing all roles of core faculty in CACREP-accredited programs. The full position description is attached and I am happy to respond to questions you might have. I will be at the NCACES meeting in Cleveland in a few weeks and would welcome the chance to talk with you or students you know who might be interested. Email will provide the best way for us to connect ( obeirneb at uww.edu 
<mailto: obeirneb at uww.edu 
>). Thank you in advance for helping to make known this possibility. Take good care.
Brenda Rust O’Beirne, PhD
Associate Professor & Chair
Counselor Education Department
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

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