[Eecs_msee] Procter and Gamble Student Programs - apply now to have an early opportunity to interview for a 2018 internship position

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Wed Mar 22 12:26:23 EDT 2017
[Procter & Gamble]< http://us.pgcareers.com/ 
[cid: image002.png at 01D2A302.BB84CB70 
We see big potential in life's little moments. Brushing teeth. Washing hair. Showering. Shaving. Caring for the baby. Cleaning the house. Doing the dishes, and the laundry. We make the products that help make these moments a little easier.
Get an inside look at P&G Student Programs:
Procter and Gamble's Student Programs are designed to give you early exposure to a number of unique student programs held in Cincinnati, OH (all-expense paid) at our Global Headquarters during the months of April to September, 2017.  The timing varies for each student program. As a participant, you will learn about the various areas within P&G, interact with senior management, and have an early opportunity to interview for a 2018 internship position or student program with P&G!  We believe YOU have the potential to become a future manager at Procter & Gamble.
*         Procter & Gamble is ranked Top 3 on Barron's "World's Most Respected Companies 2010" list for the 6th year in a row
*         #1 in our industry of "World's Most Admired Companies" (Fortune)
*         In the Top 10 Companies for Global Diversity (Diversity Inc.)
*         Regarded worldwide as one of the most rewarding places for top talented multi-cultural individuals to work
Be the first to apply: Applying is easy as 1 - 2 or 3:
Go to http://us.pgcareers.com/ 
> Select Students Tab > Select Development Programs
If grad date is Dec 2019 - May 2020 select Freshman Leadership Forum and Apply
1.    If grad date is Dec 2018 - May 2019 select  any of the programs listed and Apply
 *P&G is an equal opportunity employer.   All students are welcome to apply.

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