[Eecs_msee] ACM Meeting Tonight

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 14 13:42:43 EST 2018
Hi everyone!

Tonight (2/14), ACM is hosting a programming contest in ARC 106 at 7 pm. There will be programming problems of all difficulties, so it should be accessible for any level of programming knowledge. There are no available computers in the room, so please bring your own laptop!  The contest is being held through Kattis, so remote participation is also possible. When the contest goes live at 7 pm, it'll be accessible at the following link: https://open.kattis.com/contests/i4ogw3 
(you'll need to create a new account if you have not used Kattis).

Furthermore, during the meeting we will discuss attending a hackathon that is being hosted in Cincinnati March 4-5 (attendance is free!).

We hope to see you there!

Colton Smith
Ohio University (Class of 2018)
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Dual Major
President, Ohio University ACM
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