[Eecs_msee] New Course offered by Dr. Faiz Rahman-Quantum Science for Electrical Engineering

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Wed Jan 13 15:26:52 EST 2021
Dear EE and CS Graduate Students,

We have just added EE 6900 100 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering Quantum Science for Electrical Engineering to the course offerings for the upcoming Spring Semester.

This course is suitable for students who want to learn about quantum physics topics as applied to electronic/optoelectronic materials and devices. Quantum physics (also called quantum mechanics) is the foundation of our modern understanding of solid-state materials and many kinds of solid-state devices. The aim of this course is to teach sufficient amount of quantum physics to enable students to understand quantum mechanical concepts behind the structure and operation of modern electronic and optoelectronic devices, such as transistors, LEDs and laser diodes. This course starts from the beginnings of the concept of energy quantum, and progresses through all relevant topics, such as Schrodinger’s equation, quantum confinement, operator formulism, linear harmonic oscillator and rudiments of quantum field theory. Low-dimensional materials, such as quantum wells, wires and dots are especially covered as applications of these concepts.

You are now welcome to join the course if you choose to.

Thank you,

Tiffany Hunter
Administrative Services Associate, Undergraduate Programs
Russ College of Engineering and Technology

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

How to stay in touch remotely:

Email: huntert1 at ohio.edu 
<mailto: huntert1 at ohio.edu 
Phone: 740.593.4672

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