[Eecs_msee] FW: [External] Informatics Fellows with NJ DOH-PHEL

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Mon Aug 8 18:02:44 EDT 2022
Please see below.
Best regards.

From: Frez, Tiffany [DOH] < Tiffany.Frez at doh.nj.gov 
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 2:58 PM
Subject: [External] Informatics Fellows with NJ DOH-PHEL

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Dear Faculty Advisors,

We are currently searching for four Informatics Fellows (2 year) positions with the NJ Dept of Health, Public Health and Environmental Laboratories, to assist us as we develop our joint OneHealth initiative with Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

We are asking that you please distribute this announcement to your graduates. Thank you, and we hope to be hearing from  your graduates soon! https://nj.gov/health/hr/hlthnov/documents/novE338-22.pdf 
If you are receiving this email but believe it would be better suited for another staff at your location please provide me with their name and email and I'd be happy to communicate with them. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Susan Mikorski

Laboratory Outreach, Workforce Development, Internships/Fellowships

NJ Public Health and Environmental Laboratories

3 Schwarzkopf Dr.

Ewing, NJ  08628

609-406-6878 Susan.Mikorski at doh.nj.gov 
<mailto: Susan.Mikorski at doh.nj.gov 

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