[Eecs_phd] Services Update From the Ohio University Genomics Facility

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Tue May 9 08:31:49 EDT 2017
Hello all,

First, I would like to thank the OU research community for your support and inclusion of the Genomics Facility in your projects. My first year as the Director of the Genomics facility has been beyond rewarding personally and professionally  and it has been a pleasure assisting with your projects, hearing about your science, and being a part of such a strong research community.

The second reason for writing to you today is to announce our new pricing schedule for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 18). The new pricing will officially go into effect starting July 1, 2017 for all of the services offered at the OU Genomics Facility. Each of the pricing updates is designed to guarantee that the OUGF is able to recover the actual costs of each service. Each of these prices has been designed for lower through put (i.e. only a handful of samples) however; if you have a large number of samples or a project that does not lend itself to these pre-packaged services, please contact Dr. Bill Broach directly to discuss your needs.

Finally, Next Generation Sequencing services (MiSeq sample prep and sequencing, Ion Torrent sample prep and sequencing) necessarily require a longer time between sample drop off and return of the data, to guarantee you receive the FY 17 price we are setting a cutoff date of June 1, 2017. Therefore, any projects incorporating these services should have the samples to the Genomics Facility no later than June 1 to guarantee the old pricing.

If you have any questions or concerns about the price changes or about any of the services offered through the Genomics Facility, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you very much for your continued patronage of the OUGF and good luck to all with your summer research!



William H. Broach, Ph.D.
Director, OU Genomics Facility
510 Porter Hall
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701 http://www.dna.ohio.edu/ 
Ohio University Genomics Facility< http://www.dna.ohio.edu/ 
www.dna.ohio.edu< http://www.dna.ohio.edu 
The Genomics facility provides rapid and accurate data to the researchers at Ohio University and the outside community in a cost effective manner. genomics at ohio.edu 
<mailto: genomics at ohio.edu 

Office: (740) 593-1122

Lab:     (740) 593-1120

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