[Ocees] NSF REU Community GIS & Citizen Science (Orlando & Belize)

Stigall, Alycia stigall at ohio.edu
Wed Jan 25 22:56:05 EST 2017
FYI: Great REU opportunity that overlaps with many of our OCEES students’ interests

Alycia L. Stigall
Professor and Graduate Chair
Department of Geological Sciences
OHIO Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies
Ohio University
316 Clippinger Laboratories
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 593-0393 stigall at ohio.edu 
<mailto: stigall at ohio.edu 
> http://alyciastigall.org 
(My lab website) http://www.ohio.edu/paleo 
(OU Paleo program)

From: Christy Visaggi < cvisaggi at gsu.edu 
<mailto: cvisaggi at gsu.edu 
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 4:31 PM
To: Christy Visaggi < cvisaggi at gsu.edu 
<mailto: cvisaggi at gsu.edu 
Subject: NSF REU Community GIS & Citizen Science (Orlando & Belize)

Dear colleagues in paleo, geo, bio, education, etc.
As you may know, I’m co-PI of a NSF REU with fieldwork in Belize on GIS mapping of marine debris and flood disaster management.  This is the second year of our program and we are in the midst of student recruitment!  If you can please share the below and attached with your departments, colleagues, and/or undergraduates who you think may be interested in applying, please do!  See below for more details.  We have accepted students from a wide range of disciplines including environmental science, marine science, biology, geology, public health, urban planning, GIS, geography, sociology, etc.  Feel free to share widely!
Thank you,
NSF International REU Site in Community GIS and Citizen Science
Please see the below opportunity for the second year of the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site “Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars through Community GIS and Citizen Science< https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcitizensciencegis.org%2Fucf-reu-site&data=01%7C01%7Ccvisaggi%40gsu.edu%7Cd71dfc014b3f4ea6846708d4439f0a52%7C515ad73d8d5e4169895c9789dc742a70%7C0&sdata=5r0tp3r5TGce%2BblZranttINhM%2FQtUVH51NZ9OrTAN1I%3D&reserved=0 
>.” The program offers fully funded summer research experiences for at least 8 undergraduate students in Belize for 5 weeks and Orlando for two weeks hosted at the University of Central Florida. The program is open to all U.S. students and runs June 19-August 4, 2017.  We are interdisciplinary in nature emphasizing community geography, community GIS, and citizen science through mixed methods, including sketch mapping, mobile mapping applications, focus groups, in-depth interviews, GIS, and spatial analysis.  Last year we had participants from a range of academic backgrounds including environmental science, geography, urban planning, marine biology, geology, public health, and more.  We are very much interested in recruiting a diverse suite of researchers for this summer!  Please see below for more information on the specifics of our program (and feel free to share and post the attached flyer as well with any interested parties).
To encourage competitive applications, we're hosting a Facebook Live Event entitled "Secrets to an Awesome Citizen Science GIS REU Application" on Wednesday, February 1 @ 3 pm EST. Join Dr. Hawthorne (REU PI) and Lain Graham (REU Senior Research Coordinator), who will be giving away secrets for a successful application to our National Science Foundation (NSF) #REU Site in Orlando and Belize. Please share with your colleagues and have them join us. #citizensciencegis #ucfreu.  Join the discussion at https://www.facebook.com/citizensciencegis 
Thank you very much for your support! We hope you’ll distribute to interested students and your networks!


Dr. Christy C. Visaggi

President of the Southeastern Section of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Director of Education and Outreach for the Georgia Geographic Alliance

Trainer for K-12 National Geographic Educator Certification

Co-PI of the NSF REU Site in Community GIS and Citizen Science

​Lecturer and Undergraduate Director in Geosciences

Georgia State University

Kell Hall 336

Atlanta, GA 30302

+ 1 404 413 5755<tel:(404)%20413-5755> cvisaggi at gsu.edu 
<mailto: cvisaggi at gsu.edu 

Research opportunities: Students will work in one of two research directions with community partners and mentors from University of Central Florida, University of Belize, Georgia State University, The Hopkins Belize Village Council, and The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems Program:

·         Research Direction 1: Mapping disparities in flooding & disaster management

·         Research Direction 2: Mapping marine debris & mitigating impacts on coastal communities
Compensation: Each REU student will receive a competitive funding package, including a $3500 research stipend, a meal allowance, free shared housing in Belize and Orlando, up to $750 in travel support to/from the REU Site, up to $750 for post-REU conference travel, and 2 research methods books.
Application process: The priority application deadline is Friday, February 17h @ 5 PM EST.  Complete program information and application instructions can be found at http://www.citizensciencegis.org/ucf-reu-site/. 
Student reflections from the field: “Challenging, emotional, fun, collaborative, thought-provoking, interesting, real-life, and eye-opening.”  These are some of the words used by students to describe our previous research program.  Check out a short video from our REU Year 1 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5zSFKw7F24&feature=youtu.be 
Questions can be directed to:

·         Dr. Timothy Hawthorne: Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor of Geographic Information Systems at University of Central Florida

o timothy.hawthorne at ucf.edu 
<mailto: timothy.hawthorne at ucf.edu 

o   phone: 407.823.1030

·         Dr. Christy Visaggi: Co-Principal Investigator, Lecturer and Undergraduate Program Director in Geosciences at Georgia State University

o cvisaggi at gsu.edu 
<mailto: cvisaggi at gsu.edu 

o   phone: 404.413.5755
Check us out on the web and share on social media!

· http://www.citizensciencegis.org/ucf-reu-site 
· https://www.facebook.com/citizensciencegis 
· https://twitter.com/citizen_gis 
· https://vimeo.com/citizensciencegis 
· https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg6_1giYaXQ6mcalJH-kMuw 
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