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State Vehicle Operating Guidelines

Accident Reporting

Per University Policy 47.001(D) , drivers of vehicles are responsible for the proper care of the vehicle while in their possession. An automobile insurance packet, containing an insurance card and a copy of the "Ohio University Vehicle Crash Report Form"(OUVCRF) shall be in each vehicle. In the event of a mishap or crash the OUVCRF form must be completed and returned to Transportation & Parking Services or e-mailed to within 24 hours, or immediately upon the vehicles return to campus. 

At the time of incident it is important for the driver and/or responsible user to take the following steps.

  1. Stop the vehicle; move the vehicle to a safe location, if able or necessary, to complete the accident report process.
  2. Evaluate for injury or need for first aid and call 911 immediately for serious injury.
  3. Notify the local police jurisdiction. In some instances it is unlawful to leave the accident without permission.
  4. Obtain all necessary information to complete an accident/police report to include witness information, insurance information, other involved party information, etc.
  5. Report the accident to Ohio University and your supervisor.
  6. Complete the Ohio University accident report kit before leaving the scene. Provide to TPS authority within 24 hour. 
  7. Do not discuss the facts of the accident with anyone other than a law enforcement agency or a representative from Ohio University (Risk Management or TPS). 

If reporting an accident Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm please report to Transportation & Parking Services at 740-593-1917. If calling outside of standard business hours please call 740-566-8003 to reach a TPS representative for assistance. 

Acquisition & Disposition of Vehicles

Departments wishing to purchase or dispose of vehicles or licensed equipment including utility vehicles, golf carts, and trailers should follow established vehicle acquisition & disposition procedures

Annual Inspection & Maintenance

Servicing of university owned vehicles is provided by Transportation & Parking Services (TPS). Annual safety inspections shall be performed on all vehicles. The TPS garage will perform the inspection and is authorized to charge departments a fee. If a vehicle is found to be unsafe and the repairs are not authorized, the manager of TPS shall hold the vehicle and notify the department head that the vehicle is not to be operated until the vehicle is certified safe. In the event of vehicle damage, the department must turn the vehicle in to TPS so that it can be repaired or replaced.

All registered golf carts and alternative vehicles must follow all university vehicle inspection and repair guidelines. 

All vehicles are also scheduled for routine maintenance once a year or as needed based on vehicle use. It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to contact TPS when service is required. The cost related to servicing of vehicles will be charged to the owning department as a billable expense. 

Vehicles operated on regional campuses must still complete annual safety inspections and routine maintenance. Regional campuses may utilize local maintenance and inspection services and provide documentation to TPS. 

Drivers should not conduct their own maintenance or repairs to university vehicles. If mechanical issues arise while the vehicle is in use the driver should contact TPS immediately. A TPS staff member will evaluate the best resolution based on vehicle location, time/travel sensitivities, alternative vehicle options, and the availability of TPS mechanic staff. 

Departments may schedule inspections, routine maintenance or repairs by calling 740-593-1917 Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm or e-mailing . For after-hours emergency assistance please call 740-566-8003. 

Appropriate & Legal Use: Documentation

As provided in 47.001(C) , the planning unit head, to which the vehicle is assigned, or his or her designee, has the responsibility for ensuring that the vehicle is used for official university business. The assigned department is responsible for establishing a system for knowing and documenting all driving activity associated with each assigned vehicle. This should document the driver, date, time, miles driven, and purpose of travel for each driver trip. Please contact for a sample vehicle usage log. 

Drivers should complete a pre-trip vehicle inspection each day the vehicle used. Examples of items that should be inspected prior to use are tire condition, headlights, turn signals, warning lights, wiper blades, basic vehicle fluid levels, etc. Please contact for a sample pre-trip inspection. 


The university fueling center handles the fueling needs of the OHIO fleet of vehicles & equipment providing 24/7 fueling access. The OHIO fuel station provides both gasoline and diesel fuel dispensers and is located at 100 Factory Street, Athens, Ohio 45701. 

University owned vehicles needing fueling access on and off campus should coordinate with TPS for appropriate fuel cards/keys by e-mailing to support on-site and off campus fueling efforts. The Ohio fueling station should be the primary source for fueling access, Voyager cards will be provided and should be utilized for off-campus fueling needs when traveling outside of Athens. 

Fuel key fobs are license plate specific and each license plate may only have one keys issued at a given time. User ID's are specific to the individual using the fob and active for those with departmental authorization. Each individual must use their own user ID to ensure proper access controls and ability to maintain accurate records. Never share your user ID with another employee or use someone else's user ID to obtain fuel. 

It is the responsibility of each department to request access for employees for use the fuel station. This can be done by e-mailing and providing the name and OHIO ID of individuals that need access added/removed. Departments should regularly check this list and provide updates. 

In the event a fuel key is lost, missing, or broken there is a $100 replacement fee assessed to the owning department. The fee will be charged through an internal billing authorization.

Golf Carts & Alternative Vehicles

Ohio University Transportation and Parking Services (TPS) is committed to providing a safe environment for vehicular traffic and pedestrians and thus monitors golf cart and alternative vehicle use on campus. University-owned golf carts may be operated on the campus; however, personal use carts are not permitted.

In accordance with Athens City Ordinance 7.02.42 through 7.02.45 qualifying golf carts and low speed vehicles owned by Ohio University may be licensed to drive on approved Athens City roadways. Vehicles must obtain an official Low Speed Vehicle inspection and complete the proper registration/titling process. Please contact our Customer Care Center for additional information on vehicle registration processes and inspection requirements. 

Once licensed, golf carts and low speed vehicles are subject to follow University Policy 47.001

Registered vehicles may utilize parking within unpainted curb areas located in university parking facilities. Parking is not permitted along yellow curbs or in marked fire lanes. All fees should be paid when utilizing a metered space on campus. 


All Ohio University owned vehicles are covered under IUC-IC vehicle insurance coverage. 

Ohio University self-insures via the Automobile Physical Damage (APD) program which provides coverage for university owned, leased, or rented vehicles. The Automobile Liability (AL) program provides bodily injury and property damage coverage for claims arising from the operation of university vehicles. It also provides excess liability coverage for employees using personal vehicles for university business. Please contact the office of Risk Management & Insurance at for more information.

A copy of the current auto insurance ID card should be placed in the glove compartment of each vehicle. A current copy of the auto insurance ID card may be found on the Risk Management and Insurance web page or requested via e-mail from

Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Checks

Driver training, selection, and evaluation

The planning unit head, or designee, must establish a system that verifies that all drivers possess a valid US driver's license and that their driving history reflects safe behavior behind the wheel. Employing departments shall check the driving history of all persons who will be operating university vehicles (this includes both service vehicles and university fleet rental vehicle requests), going back two years prior to initial operation of a university vehicle, and annually thereafter for a cumulative total of 5 years.

The employing department is responsible for all aspects of these checks. If a driving record reflects repeated unsafe behavior, the employing department should not allow the driver in question to operate university vehicles. Drivers with suspended or revoked licenses are prohibited from driving vehicles for university business. Drivers with limitations on their license must be approved by the Director of Safety or Risk Management & Insurance before driving university vehicles for university business. Drivers must be at least 18 years old. Drivers may not have had any of the following violations within the past three (3) years: DUI/OMVI, negligent homicide via a vehicle or aggravated assault with a vehicle.

Ohio University reserves the right to remove or deny driving privileges to any person who has a history of accidents or violations involving university owned or leased vehicles, who has demonstrated an unsafe driving record, or for any other reason that the University, in its sole discretion determines creates a safety risk. 

Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Checks

University departments may elect to complete a 2-year unofficial driver check offered for Ohio licensed drivers. This is a free service offered online through Ohio BMV website . A 3-year driver record check is also available for a fee. To obtain the free 2-year unofficial driver abstract please follow the below steps once on the Ohio BMV website.

  1. Select icon for My BMV Profile
  2. Select icon for Guest Log-In (Select button for Log in as Guest)
  3. Under the Driver License tab enter license/state ID number, date of birth, first letter of last name, last 4 digits of SSN & select log-in
  4. Select button for View Driving Record under the Drivers License section- print the 2 year abstract and provide for departmental verification/record keeping

Departments with employees licensed outside of the state of Ohio should reference the issuing state's MVR policy. Outside state MVR policy may vary and a fee may apply for record checks. It is at the departments discretion to reimburse employees for associated fees to obtain driver records. 


Standard Parking Locations

University owned, state licensed vehicles may park within any non-metered and non-restricted space within a dark green or purple designated parking lot on campus.  If a particular lot becomes overcrowded or problematic due to state vehicle storage, requests to store vehicles in an alternative location may be coordinated in an effort to efficiently manage parking needs on campus.

Service Maintenance Parking Spaces

Transportation and Parking Services recognizes the need for University-owned state vehicles who serve in a service capacity to have access to available parking in various locations across campus.  As a result, spaces within various parking lots on campus have been designated as service maintenance parking locations.  These areas maintain a four-hour parking limit, and require vehicles to have a virtual permit registered with Transportation & Parking Services.  Storage of state vehicles is not permitted within service maintenance spaces.

Service maintenance permits may be requested by a department using the Service Maintenance Permit Request Form

Service maintenance permits are license-plate specific, and permits are non-transferable. Permits are issued at a cost of $50 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Departments should coordinate annual permit renewal prior to expiration.  

  • In addition to designated spaces, state vehicles displaying a service maintenance permit may park in the following locations:
    • Curbs within University parking lots.  Vehicles may utilize curbs but may not park in a manner that prohibits vehicular or pedestrian flow.
    • Loading Docks
    • Regular spaces within dark green and purple lots.
  • Parking is not permitted within the following locations.
    • Grass
    • University Sidewalks
    • University Roadways.
    • Fire lanes
    • Metered Spaces
    • Sign Restricted Spaces
    • Pay by Space or Hourly Areas
    • Residential Parking Lots and Garages
    • Lots Closed for Events

State vehicles needing access to an area in which parking is generally not permitted (as outlined above) for extenuating circumstances should arrange parking access with Transportation & Parking Services.  Permit access to these parking areas is provided on a case-by-case basis. 

Safety & Operation: Vehicles Use Best Practices

  • Drivers must obey all traffic and parking laws to include but not limited to posted speed limits. Drivers should practice safe and courteous driving behaviors at all times. 
  • For trips exceeding 8 hours in duration, it is recommended to utilize 2 authorized drivers for vehicle operation and rotate drivers every 4 hours to prevent driver fatigue.
  • The use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs is prohibited at all times when operating a university vehicle.
  • Refrain from the use of headphones or earbuds and utilize hands-free phone devices while operating a vehicle. 
  • The number of passengers may not exceed the number of working seat belts. All passengers must be properly seated with belts fastened any time the vehicle is in motion. Drivers are responsible for enforcing this requirement. 
  • To help ensure the safe operation of vehicles the driver should complete a pre-trip inspection and check all safety related components of the vehicle such as tires, lights, mirrors, windshield wipers, fuel level, and for any obvious defects of the vehicle that may impact the safety of its operation or passengers. 
  • Passengers may not ride in cargo areas. 
  • Passenger Vans:
    • Reduce van speed BELOW the speed limit posted for all turns. In addition, sudden jerky motions should be avoided when steering.
    • Adjust sideview mirrors so that the sides of the van can be seen.
    • Allow more time and distance when pulling into traffic or attempting to stop. Drivers should leave three to four car lengths between their van and the rear of the vehicle ahead.
    • Luggage/cargo carried inside a van should be packed as close to the floor as possible and may not be stacked above the level of the seat backs. Whenever possible, luggage/cargo should be restrained to secure items against shifting or falling. Heavily loaded vans should have the load distributed evenly. Avoid excessive loading behind the rear axle of the van.

Tolls & Moving Infractions

The university is not financially responsible for traffic or parking violations incurred by persons using its vehicles. The responsibility of said violations is assumed by the vehicle operator. The assigned department is responsible for establishing a system for knowing and documenting the driver of any particular assigned vehicle at any particular time.

Toll payments must be paid in advance or at the time of toll occurrence by the responsible department. TPS is not financially responsible for tolls. Toll payments can be made using purchasing cards or personal funds (considered allowable expenses for reimbursement) when operating a university vehicle. Receipts must be kept and dates/times correspond with travel records. Reimbursement for tolls are processed by the responsible department. Violation fees, or any other fee associated with a missed or delinquent payment are not allowable expenses for university reimbursement and must be paid by the responsible driver. 

Should the TPS office receive notification of tolls or violations they will be sent to the responsible driver/user. It will be the responsibility of the driver to make payment and any associated processing that may be required. In the event the responsible department does not make payment in a timely manner TPS will pay the invoice in full and charge back all costs. Additional processing fees may apply. 

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