The Braincase of Majungasaurus
* Note: The braincase of FMNH PR 2100 was rescanned in October
2006 at O'Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens, OH, on a GE
LightSpeed Ultra at a slice thickness of 625 microns and using
the Extended Hounsfield option and bow-tie filter. These scan
data are somewhat better that those used for the published
article, and are the data from which the movies and Acrobat 3D
files presented here were made. Likewise, the CT scan data
hosted here are the October 2006 data. The new data fully
support the findings published in the article, but provide
higher resolution and hence better views.
This website provides supplementary information as an
adjunct to the published paper. Witmer, with the skilled
assistance of Ryan Ridgely
, is responsible for
the content of the website. Content provided here is for
educational and research purposes only, and may not be used for
any commercial purpose without the permission of L. M. Witmer
and other
relevant parties.