OUtstanding Administrator

Each year the Administrative Senate honors (up to) three administrators for their significant contributions to Ohio University with the Outstanding Administrator Award. The award winners are honored at the annual Service Awards Ceremony each spring. Winners have come from all areas of the University.

Winners receive a certificate, $2,000 in cash, and a spot for their name on the Outstanding Administrator Award plaque located in Chubb Hall. Funding to support the awards is obtained and administered through Administrative Senate. The annual ceremony is open to the public.

Awardees - 2023-24

OUtstanding Administrators 2023-24 Marcquis Parham, Jenn Bennett, Michelle Price
Marcquis Parham, Jenn Bennett, Michelle Price

Previous Winners

The Outstanding Administrator Award dates back to the 1970s.

Previous Winners

Nominate an Outstanding Administrator

Nominations are welcomed from all members of the University community—faculty, administrative staff, hourly staff, and students.

Nominations are accepted through an online form each fall for outstanding service during the previous school year. The nomination window opens the first week of October and nominations are accepted through October 15. The link will be posted below when the nomination period opens.

Nomination Form


Eligible administrators will have met the following criteria:

  • Five years of consecutive service as a full- or part-time administrator at Ohio University and currently serving as a full- or part-time administrator
  • Administrative responsibility at any level (professional responsibility)
  • An administrative appointment of nine, 10, 11 or 12 months spending 50% or more of time in administrative duties

The President, Vice Presidents, Executive Vice President and Provost, Vice Provosts, Associate Provosts, the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, Deans and those eligible for Faculty Senate are excluded from nomination for this award.


Selection of award recipients will be based on evidence for multiple of the following criteria:

  • Investment in their work, the mission of Ohio University, and higher education
  • Innovative or creative impact
  • Professional recognition outside the university, including local, state, national, or international
  • University or local community service extending beyond the job description
  • Positive relationships with students, staff, faculty, and/or key partners 
  • Collaboration with other units/departments across the university in creative or symbiotically productive ways
  • Evidence of caring about the impact of actions large and small
  • Attention to detail that results in a recognizable impact
  • Excellence in comparison to administrators as a group (deemed exemplary by nominators and references)
  • Excellence in comparison to the competitive pool in a given selection cycle (deemed exemplary by the selection committee)

Outstanding Administrator Committee

  1. Charge: The OUtstanding Administrator Committee will manage and oversee the annual OUtstanding Administrator Awards process. Committee members will solicit nominations for the award, review applications, interview references, and recommend up to three award recipients to the University President.
  2. Membership: Membership of OUtstanding Administrator Committee will consist of a representative from each University Senate (Faculty, Graduate, and Undergraduate) and at least five administrators. The Committee will recruit administrative members with the goal of representation from each planning unit. If possible, the immediate past chair of the Committee will continue to serve as a member.
  3. Leadership: Two Administrative Senators will co-chair the Committee. The Committee Co-chairs or their designee(s) will work with representatives of the Service Awards Committee to plan the annual Outstanding Administrator/Service Awards Ceremony.

Members - 2024-25

Kelly Czack, Co-Chair
Jen Watson, Co-Chair
Lisa S. Dael, Past Chair
Chad Barnhardt
Kasey Daniel
Tia Jameson
Sarah Leatherwood
Bose Maposa
Logan Waldie
Kathy Wilson

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