Athens Campus
Dr. Simon has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles in various sports medicine and orthopedic journals and has been invited to speak at several national and international conferences. Dr. Simon is also a co-investigator on several National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense grants totaling over $5 million.
· PhD, Biostatistics, Indiana University, 2014
· MS, Applied Statistics, Indiana University, 2014
· MS, Athletic Training, Ohio University, 2010
· BS, Athletic Training, Southern Connecticut State University, 2008
Research/Professional Interests
· Outcomes of various athletic training interventions
· Health related quality of life of high school and college athletes who suffer sport-related injury
· Evaluating the use and development of patient-based outcome instruments for the purpose of outcomes assessment and measuring the end result of healthcare services
Teaching Experience
· Athletic Training Research I
· Athletic Training Research II
· Evidence Based Practice
Clinical Experience
· Project Manager for Datalys Center for Sports Injury Research
· Athletic Trainer Indiana University Health-Bloomington Hospital
· Athletic Trainer Ohio University Football
Publications (Selected)
· Clark BC, Manini TM, Wages NP, Simon JE, Clark LA. Voluntary versus Electrically-Stimulated Activation in Age-Related Muscle Weakness. JAMA Network Open. 2019: 2(9): 1-4. PMID: 31553466
· Simon JE, Snyder A, Kerr Z, Djoko A, Marshall S, Dompier T. Changes in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures from the Time of Injury to Return to Play in Adolescent Athletes at Secondary Schools with an Athletic Trainer. Journal of Athletic Training. 2019: 54(2): 170-176. PMID: 30668134.
· Millikan N, Grooms DR, Simon JE. The Development and Reliability of 4 Clinical Neurocognitive Single-Leg Hop Tests: Implications for Return to Activity Decision-Making. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2019: 28(5): 536-544. PMID: 30426885.
· Simon JE, Snyder A, Kerr Z, Djoko A, Marshall S, Dompier T. Changes in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures from the Time of Injury to Return to Play in Adolescent Athletes at Secondary Schools with an Athletic Trainer. Journal of Athletic Training. 2019: 54(2): 170-176. PMID: 30668134.
· Simon JE, Grooms DR, Donahue M, Wikstrom E, Docherty CL, Kerr Z, Dompier T. Athletic Training Service Characteristics for Patients With Ankle Sprains Sustained During High School Athletics. Journal of Athletic Training. 2019: 54(6): 676-683. PMID: 29373057.
· Simon JE, Docherty CL. Health-related quality of life is decreased in middle-aged adults with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2018: 21(12): 1206-1209. PMID: 29803734
· Rausch M, Simon JE, Starkey C, Grooms DR. Smartphone virtual reality to increase clinical balance assessment responsiveness. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2018: 32: 207-211. PMID: 29803943
· Kerr Z, Thomas L, Simon JE, McCrea M, Guskiewicz K. Association between multiple concussions and health outcomes in former college football players: 15-year follow-up from the NCAA Concussion Study (1999-2001). American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018: 46(7): 1733-1741. PMID: 29620911
· Simon JE, Docherty CL. The Impact of Previous Athletic Experience on Current Physical Fitness in Former Collegiate Athletes and Noncollegiate Athletes. Sports Health. 2017: 9(5): 462-468. PMID: 28475420
· Simon JE, Docherty CL. Current Health-Related Quality of Life in Former National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Collision Athletes Compared With Contact and Limited-Contact Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training. 2016: 51(3): 205-212. PMID: 26959296 Journal of Athletic Training Clint Thompson Manuscript Award
· Dompier T, Kerr Z, Marshall S, Hainline B, Snook E, Hayden R, Simon JE. Incidence of Concussion during Practice and Games in Youth, High School, and Collegiate American Football Players. Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics. 2015: 169(7):659-665. PMID: 25938704
· Simon JE, Docherty C. Current Health-Related Quality of Life Is Lower in Former Division I Collegiate Athletes Than in Non–Collegiate Athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014; 42(2): 423-429. PMID: 24318608
· Source: National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research and Education Foundation New Investigator Grant; Award: $25,000 total; Title: Functional Evaluation to Optimize Patient-Reported Outcomes and Decrease Subsequent Lower Extremity Injury Risk; Primary Investigators: Simon JE; Co-investigators: Grooms DR, Yom J, Collins C; Period: 6/22/2019; Result: Awarded; Description: Evaluate the role of limb symmetry at return to play following a lower extremity injury Foundation
· Source: NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities; Award: $5,196,360; Title: Novel Pathways in the Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of NAFLD in Hispanics; Primary Investigators: Najjar S and Vishwajeet P; Co-investigators: Vishva S, Harrison M, Simon JE; Period: 7/12/2017; Result: Awarded; Description: Using national databases as well as liver tissues from human liver donors and patients with fatty liver disease, will identify the basis of the higher prevalence of this disease in Hispanics.
· Source: Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association Masters Student Grant; Award: $1500; Title: Virtual Reality to Improve Balance Testing for Sport-Related Concussion; Primary Investigators: Brown A; Co-investigators: Simon JE, Grooms Dr; Period: 6/18/2019; Result: Awarded; Description: To develop a novel virtual reality balance assessment post-concussion.
· Source: Department of Defense – Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program OR170266; Award: $749,994 total; Title: Rehabilitation 2.0: Addressing Neuroplasticity in the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Model; Primary Investigators: Grooms DR; Co-investigators: Simon JE, Yom J, Russ D, Clark B, Onate J, Tenan M; Period: 7/12/2017; Result: Awarded; Description: To determine if a novel rehabilitation program can restore neuroplasticity induced by ACL injury
Awards and Honors
· OHIO Faculty Newsmaker Certificate of Recognition for Media Coverage; 2019
· Faculty High Fives Ohio University; April 2019
· OHIO Faculty Newsmaker Certificate of Recognition for Media Coverage; 2018
· OHIO Faculty Newsmaker Certificate of Recognition for Media Coverage; 2017
· Faculty High Fives Ohio University; October 2017
· Journal of Athletic Training Clint Thompson Manuscript Award; 2017
· Octorara Area High School Hall of Fame Inductee; 2016
University/Professional Service
· Athletic Trainers’ Osteoarthritis Consortium Secretary; 2020
· GLATA Research Assistance Committee; 2017-present
· OATA Research Assistance Committee; 2017-present
· CAATE Site Visitor; 2016-present
· NATA Annual Meeting Moderator; 2015-present
· College of Health Sciences and Professions Planning Council; 2019-present
· College of Health Sciences and Professions Diversity & Inclusion Committee; 2018-present
· College of Health Sciences and Professions Professional Ethics Committee; 2016-present
· Applied Health Sciences and Wellness Publicity and Social Committee; 2016-present
· Iota Tau Alpha-Gamma Upsilon Advisor; 2016-present