Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Management (MGT)



500 Management (4)
Management and organization concepts and theory. Emphasis on integration of concepts, case analysis, and application.
Staff; F.

528 Nonindustrial Labor Relations (4)
Labor management relations problems and practices in nonprofit organizations such as government (city, county, state, and federal), educational institutions, charity and health care organizations. Covers such topics as relevant laws and regulations, administrative response to unionization attempts, contract negotiation.
Staff; Y.

530 Management Systems: Decision Making (4)
Decision making and problem solving in organizations from a managerial perspective.
Staff; F, W, Sp.

535 Management of Human and Technological Information Systems (4)
Prereq: 530. Focuses upon humans and machines as components of formalized information systems. Subject matter approached from systems and procedures viewpoint, with emphasis on management planning and control techniques.
Staff; Y.

540 Organizational Behavior-Micro-Perspective (4)
Conceptual framework of behavioral sciences to management and organizations. Motivation and leader behavior within organizational settings.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

545 Organizational Behavior-Macro-Perspective (4)
Organizational theory and behavior emphasizing formal organizational theory and work group behavior. Concentrates on interaction between organization, its environment, and its members and influence of informal work groups on member behavior.
Staff; F, W, Sp.

550 Managing Health Care Organizations (4)
Prereq: 200 or 300. Analysis of basic dimensions of managing health care organizations. Develops conceptual tools for understanding health care management problems and provides practice in analyzing and solving actual health care management problems.
Staff; Y.

580 Business Organizations-Change and Development (4)
Prereq: 500. Advanced study of the theory of internal change processes and organizational development within business organizations. Topics include role of the manager in the change process, need for change, systems analysis of the change process, identification of change processes, research considerations, use of internal vs. external change agent, and current trends.
Staff; Y.

584 International Comparative Management (4)
Survey and analysis of similarities and differences in management systems, processes, and styles, as well as evaluation of changes and their impact in selected groups of countries.
Staff; Y.

591 Seminar (1-5)
Selected topics of current interest in management and organizational behavior.
Staff; D.

635 Management of Information Technology (1)
Prereq: M.B.A. student; phase I completed. Topics include theory of information, role of managers in the processing and flow of information within business organizations, influence of technology on information systems, and interrelationships of technologies as they affect decisions within business organizations.
Staff; D.

660 Introduction to Managerial Competencies (3)
Prereq: Phase II M.B.A. student; phase I completed. Assessment of behaviors and skills required for effective managerial performance. Based on empirical models of managerial effectiveness, their development and application to student's managerial skills.
Staff; F.

661 Managerial Competencies-Decision Making and Problem Solving (2)
Prereq: 660. Assessment and development of skills related to the process of decision making and problem solving in business organizations. Emphasis on identification of competencies and development/practice of related skills.
Staff; F.

662 Managerial Competencies-Managing Individuals and Groups (2)
Prereq: 661 and HRM 600. Assessment and development of skills necessary to manage people in business organizations. The course is primarily comprised of a series of exercises to develop skills such as setting performance standards, providing feedback and reinforcement, facilitating individual and group interactions, and motivating others.
Staff; W.

663 Managerial Competencies-Using Power and Influence (2)
Prereq: 662. Assessment and development of skills related to the effective use of power and influence in a business organization. Includes using power derived from an individual's position, developing power through alliances and coalitions, and being concerned with one's impact on others.
Staff; Sp.

684 International Comparative Management (4) Survey and analysis of similarities and differences in business management systems, processes and styles, as well as evaluation of changes and their impact in selected groups of nations.

691 Seminar (1-5)
Selected topics of current interest.
Staff; D.

692 Management Thought (4)
Review of development of managerial theories from 5000 B.C. to present with consideration of their application to present organizational settings.
Staff; D.

693 Readings (1-5)
Readings on topics selected in consultation with faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

694 Management Research (4)
Practical application of research methods in behavioral sciences to management problems, emphasizing research available and its use in decision making and in solving managerial problems.
Staff; D.

696 Organizational Behavior-Managing Change (4)
Prereq: 540 or 545. Planning and implementing change in organizational settings.
Staff; D.

697 Independent Research (1-5)
Research in selected fields under direction of faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

698 Internship (1-5) Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file ( https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/busn/mgt.html ) April 13, 1998.

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