BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Networking & Social Event,Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Kennedy Museum of Art is holding a gallery talk in our Pairings : CAM Paintings & KMA Prints exhibition on Sunday\, March 23rd from 2:30pm- 3:30pm. The talk will be facilitated by current Ohio University MFA Printm aking students Alex Long and Hannah Moulen\, graduate alumni Tyler Thenikl\ , and Jeff Carr\, Collections and Exhibitions Manager Emeritus. Together\, they will discuss printmaking processes used by the artists featured in Pai rings including Japanese wood block\, photo lithography\, screenprinting\, and intaglio processes. They will explore the history of the Kennedy Museum of Art’s printmaking collection\, share examples of physical “matrixes\,” which are surfaces that can hold ink that is then transferred to paper\, di scuss the relationship between print studios and artists\, and. We invite a ttendees to make their own mini “print” to take home using a matrix created by the speakers. Enjoy food and beverage pairings as part of the experienc e. No registration is required.\n\nImage: Alex Katz: (left) White Petunia\, 1968\, oil on canvas\, © 2025 Alex Katz / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Righ ts Society (ARS)\, NY. (right) The Green Cap\, 1985\, relief print. DTEND:20250323T203000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T124223Z DTSTART:20250323T183000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Afternoon of Pairings at KMA\,2008:EventInstance_48721535575288 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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