BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230401 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056344095 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230402 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056346144 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230403 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056348193 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230404 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056350242 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230405 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056351267 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230406 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056353316 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230407 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056355365 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230408 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056356390 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230409 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056358439 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230410 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056360488 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230411 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056362537 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230412 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056364586 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230413 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056365611 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230414 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056367660 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230415 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056368685 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230416 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056370734 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230417 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056372783 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230418 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056374832 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230419 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056375857 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230420 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056377906 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230421 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056379955 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230422 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056382004 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230423 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056383029 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230424 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056385078 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230425 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056387127 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230426 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056390200 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230427 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056393273 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230428 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056396346 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230429 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056398395 URL: s END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and c ommunity to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring through out April in celebration of Earth Month!\n\n \n\nAn annual spring tradition \, Athens Beautification projects give volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.\n\n \n\nParticipating community organizations include: \n\nAthens Arbor Day Committee\n\nAthens In Bloom\n\ nCommunity Food Initiatives\n\nTenderfoot Learning Lab\n\nThe Athens Lions Club\n\nThe Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia\n\nUCM Center for Spir itual Growth and Social Justice\n\n \n\nBrowse the full list of events and register here: n-events DTSTAMP:20241123T065250Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230430 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens Beautification Volunteer Projects\,2008:EventInstance_42764056400444 URL: s END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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