BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230411T011500Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230410T170000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415556970 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230412T011500Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230411T170000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415559019 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230413T011500Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230412T170000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415561068 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230414T013000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230413T170000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415563117 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230415T013000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230414T170000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415565166 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230416T011500Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230415T140000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415567215 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:50th Athens International Film + Video Festival\nApril 10 - 16\ , 2023\nAthena Cinema\n\n \n\nFor mor infromation and full schedule\n\n \n\ nFounded in 1974\, the AIFVF has been presenting the best in international film for 49 years. Known globally as a festival that supports cinema from u nderground and marginalized populations\, the AIFVF represents the values t hat we share as a community. It is a champion of justice and provides a voi ce for underrepresented artists and viewpoints on a global level.\n\n \n\nF or four decades\, Athens International has embraced experimental\, narrativ e\, short-form\, feature length\, and documentary films from every corner o f the globe\, offering filmmakers a stellar platform for public exposure an d an environment that values artistry above marquee names and industry rela tionships.\n\n \n\nRegular Admission for Single Screenings\nStart time befo re 5:00 PM: $5.00\, Senior/Child $5.00\nStart time at/after 5:00 PM: $6.50\ , Senior/Child $5.50\nStudent tickets: Free DTEND:20230416T233000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071310Z DTSTART:20230416T170000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Film + Video Festival\,2008:EventInstance_42845415569264 URL: l_4618 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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