BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This 4-week beginner Salsa class is designed to introduce you t o the vibrant world of Salsa dancing. Over the course of four sessions\, yo u'll learn the essential steps\, timing\, and footwork in a supportive and fun environment. Perfect for beginners\, this class will help you build con fidence on the dance floor and get you moving to the infectious rhythms of Salsa. No prior dance experience necessary—just bring your energy and enthu siasm!\n\nRegistration: n-workshop-series\n\nCost: $58\n\nCommunity Education workshops are open to the general public regardless of educational background.\n\nCommunity Educ ation workshops are non-credit and do not carry credit applicable toward an Ohio University degree or transfer to other institutions. DTEND:20250320T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T123041Z DTSTART:20250320T220000Z GEO:42.369896;-72.534245 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe\, Bennett Hall Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Beginner Salsa\,2008:EventInstance_48842479830763 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This 4-week beginner Salsa class is designed to introduce you t o the vibrant world of Salsa dancing. Over the course of four sessions\, yo u'll learn the essential steps\, timing\, and footwork in a supportive and fun environment. Perfect for beginners\, this class will help you build con fidence on the dance floor and get you moving to the infectious rhythms of Salsa. No prior dance experience necessary—just bring your energy and enthu siasm!\n\nRegistration: n-workshop-series\n\nCost: $58\n\nCommunity Education workshops are open to the general public regardless of educational background.\n\nCommunity Educ ation workshops are non-credit and do not carry credit applicable toward an Ohio University degree or transfer to other institutions. DTEND:20250327T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T123041Z DTSTART:20250327T220000Z GEO:42.369896;-72.534245 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe\, Bennett Hall Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Beginner Salsa\,2008:EventInstance_48842479831788 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This 4-week beginner Salsa class is designed to introduce you t o the vibrant world of Salsa dancing. Over the course of four sessions\, yo u'll learn the essential steps\, timing\, and footwork in a supportive and fun environment. Perfect for beginners\, this class will help you build con fidence on the dance floor and get you moving to the infectious rhythms of Salsa. No prior dance experience necessary—just bring your energy and enthu siasm!\n\nRegistration: n-workshop-series\n\nCost: $58\n\nCommunity Education workshops are open to the general public regardless of educational background.\n\nCommunity Educ ation workshops are non-credit and do not carry credit applicable toward an Ohio University degree or transfer to other institutions. DTEND:20250403T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T123041Z DTSTART:20250403T220000Z GEO:42.369896;-72.534245 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe\, Bennett Hall Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Beginner Salsa\,2008:EventInstance_48842479833837 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This 4-week beginner Salsa class is designed to introduce you t o the vibrant world of Salsa dancing. Over the course of four sessions\, yo u'll learn the essential steps\, timing\, and footwork in a supportive and fun environment. Perfect for beginners\, this class will help you build con fidence on the dance floor and get you moving to the infectious rhythms of Salsa. No prior dance experience necessary—just bring your energy and enthu siasm!\n\nRegistration: n-workshop-series\n\nCost: $58\n\nCommunity Education workshops are open to the general public regardless of educational background.\n\nCommunity Educ ation workshops are non-credit and do not carry credit applicable toward an Ohio University degree or transfer to other institutions. DTEND:20250410T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T123041Z DTSTART:20250410T220000Z GEO:42.369896;-72.534245 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe\, Bennett Hall Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Beginner Salsa\,2008:EventInstance_48842479834862 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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