BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230514 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847282330 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230515 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847284379 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230516 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847287452 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230517 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847289501 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230518 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847292574 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230519 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847295647 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230520 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847297696 URL: up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:During the week of May 14-21\, those affiliated with OHIO Hocke y are encouraged to grab a trash bag and clean up a beach\, a playground\, a park or any other active space in your area. Snap a picture and send it a long with the location to Jackie Forquer at \n\nPleas e also share with any family and friends around the world who would be will ing to participate!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Jackie Forquer a t DTSTAMP:20241124T125817Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230521 LOCATION:A location near you SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Blueline Hockey Alumni Playground Cleanup\,2008:EventInstance_43012847299745 URL: up END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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