CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances
DESCRIPTION:Choir of Man - LIVE from London\n \n\nSince COVID-19 forced the
cancellation of performances at Memorial Auditorium and a change to our in
dustry as we know it\, we have been working hard to keep the arts alive in
new and unique ways. We are pleased to present a LIVE streaming opportunity
featuring The Choir of Man on Wednesday\, October 28\, 2020\, at 7 PM\n \n
\nThe Performing Arts Series has been working with the producers of the hit
show The Choir of Man to create a live virtual concert especially for Athe
ns OH audiences. That show\, The Choir of Man: Live from London\, will be a
vailable for viewing through a streaming platform for one performance only.
\n \n\nThe Choir of Man Director and Producer Nic Doodson explains\, “The p
andemic has hit our industry especially hard. Our presenters understand tha
t artists are suffering. Like all of you\, the boys have been confined to t
heir homes. So\, when this idea of creating special performances for some o
f the cities we’ve played as part of our first two North American tours\, w
e immediately began work to figure out how to produce a high-quality show i
n a socially-distanced environment LIVE from the UK.” \n \n\nIndeed\, the p
erformance will be a live 75 to 90-minute show\, highly produced with hi-de
finition cameras\, featuring at least five guys from The Choir of Man famil
y. Streaming from the London pub Pillars of Hercules\, this all-new show wi
ll be more intimate than the traditional stage show\, with emphasis on the
guys’ vocals and personal journeys. Each will sing and dance to some of the
ir favorite songs – some from the touring show and some all-new ones. The g
uys will also chat a bit about what they’ve been up to since COVID-19 struc
k and share stories about their favorite memories from their U.S. tours. T
he concert will conclude with a moving group number. \n \n\nNic explains\,
“It’s definitely a more intimate showcase for the guys. The major takeaway
is that audiences will get to know our guys\, their stories and their talen
ts even better. At its core\, The Choir of Man is about bringing people tog
ether\, sharing stories and singing songs. Of course\, we’d rather be on th
e stage performing to sold out houses. But these Live from London performan
ces are the next best thing. We hope audiences watching from home will enjo
y a pint of their favorite brew and toast us from across the pond. Cheers!"
\n \n\nOctober 28\, 2020\, 7 PM\nFree Streaming Performance\nVisit https:// for link.
SUMMARY:Choir of Man - LIVE from London\,2008:EventInstance_34893626949959