BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Today’s Voters & Today’s Leaders\n\n \n\nThis non-partisan even t provides a platform for students to engage directly with elected public o fficials and civic leaders to learn about the political process and discuss issues that matter to college students and the communities to which they b elong. The Civic Engagement Forum is part of our office’s institution-wide effort to increase student voter registration\, election turn-out\, civil d ialogue\, and freedom of expression to ensure Ohio University students are engaged and informed life-long citizens.\n\n \n\nThe Forum will feature:\n\ n \n\nYoung Elected Officials Panel Discussion: How Gen Z and Millennials a re Leading Political Change \n\nPanelists will include: \n\nChristina Mur yn\, Mayor of Findlay\, Ohio \n\nAmy Flowers\, Former City Council Member o f Athens\, Ohio and OHIO alumna \n\nDontavius L. Jarrells\, Ohio House of R epresentatives for District 25 \n\nMicah Covert\, School Board President of Nelsonville-York Public School District \n\nStephanie Zader\, City Counci l Member of Mansfield\, Ohio \n\n \n\nDefending Democracy and the Right to Vote: from Redistricting to the Fight to Protect the Right to Vote \n\nPane lists will include: \n\nJen Miller: Executive Director\, League of Women V oter’s of Ohio \n\nGreer Aeschbury\, Ohio Campaign ManagerAll Voting is Loc al \n\nCatherin Turcer\, Executive Director\, Common Cause Ohio \n\n \n\nCi vil Dialogue: Cultivating empathy and understanding\, ideological diversity and solution-oriented politics \n\nFacilitated by BridgeUSA representative s \n\n \n\nThe panels will consist of introductions\, facilitated discussio ns\, and brief Q&A sessions with the audience. \n\n \n\n \n\nThis event tak es place in-person on the Athens Campus. In ongoing efforts to ensure publi c safety regarding COVID-19\, masks may be required indoors based on curren t CDC guidance. More information here: ety-protocols-ppe/mask-policy DTEND:20221027T190000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T025325Z DTSTART:20221027T160000Z LOCATION:231 Baker Center SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Civic Engagement Forum: Today’s Voters & Today’s Leaders\,2008:EventInstance_41048022987404 URL: days_leaders END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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