CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:"Composing Music in the Digital Age: One Composer’s Story"\n\nD
istinguished Professor Emeritus of Music\, Ohio University\, Mark Phillips\
n\n\nGlobal Arts Festival Conference Keynote Event\n\nFriday\, April 14\, 2
023\n11 am—noon\nWalter Hall Rotunda\n\n\nSpeaker Bio\nMark Phillips (Ohio
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus) won the 1988 Barlow Internatio
nal Competition for Orchestral Music\, leading to collaborations with condu
ctor Leonard Slatkin. His Violin Power appears on the SEAMUS 2015 conferenc
e CD. The World Saxophone Congress commissioned and premiered his What If f
or 101 saxophones. His music has been performed at Carnegie Hall\, Kennedy
Center for the Performing Arts\, Wigmore Hall\, the Festival Internacional
de Música de Bogotá\, the Blossom Music Festival and numerous other festiva
ls and conferences around the world. Commissioned for a Memphis premiere\,
his Dreams Interrupted has received performances across the country.\n\n \n
\nHe has received orchestra performances by groups such as the St. Louis Sy
mphony Orchestra\, the Cleveland Orchestra\, the NHK Radio Symphony Orchest
ra\, and the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra — and has been recorded by Richa
rd Stoltzman and the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra\, the Lark Quartet and s
everal solo artists.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRELATED EVENTS:\n\nThe 2023 GLOBAL A
RTS FESTIVAL is Friday April 14\, 2023 on the Athens campus of Ohio Univers
ity\, featuring a full day arts conference titled "Global Arts in the Digit
al Age\," followed by the 11th World Music and Dance Concert. On Saturday\,
April 15 the College of Fine Arts and the Carnegie the African Diaspora Fe
llowship Program presents an educators workshop featuring the use of the ar
ts to enhance educational games and teaching on Saturday\, April 15.
LOCATION:Walter Hall\, Rotunda
SUMMARY:Composing Music in the Digital Age: Mark Phillips\,2008:EventInstance_42111508772074