BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Watch,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Cleveland Cavaliers Watch Party\, Cavs -vs- Brooklyn Nets\n February 20\, 2025\n 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm\n\n Where: Buffalo Wild W ings\n 26200 Harvard Road\n Warrensville Heights\, Ohio 44122\n Price: $10.00\n\nCabaret Decades Dance\n February 21\, 2025\n 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm\n\n Where: Executive Event Center\n 27801 Euclid Ave nue\n Euclid\, Ohio 44132\n Price: $20.00\n\nThe Ebony Bobcat Netwo rk (EBN) Cleveland affiliate invites you to a Cleveland Cavaliers Watch Par ty on Thursday\, Feb. 20\, and the Cabaret Decades Dance on Friday\, Feb. 2 1. During these events\, we will provide information about how you can join EBN. We hope you will consider becoming a member!\n\nThe Cleveland Cavalie rs Watch Party will include delicious appetizers\, and you can expect some fun games at halftime. Be ready to compete for prizes!\n\nThe Cabaret Decad es Dance venue allows you to “bring your own bottle" (BYOB) and food. Your EBN host will provide beverage setups. Wear your best Ohio University color s and comfortable shoes as we dance the night away to one of the hottest DJ s in town!\n\nEBN hopes to recruit new and excited members through each of these events\, and we would love to see you there!\n\nIf you have any quest ions about this event\, contact Lynn Charles at or 2 16.632.6867. If you need help with event registration\, contact Advancement Events at\n\n \n\n \n\nBecome a Member of the Ebony B obcat Network!\nDuring the registration process for this event\, you will b e able to sign up for EBN membership. Becoming a member of the Ebony Bobcat Network (EBN) is simple and affordable at just $50 for membership from Feb ruary 2025 through June 2026!\n\nIf you are unable to join us for this even t\, you can sign up for EBN membership on the EBN website.\n\nPlease Note: Becoming an EBN member is a separate process from registering for these eve nts. Membership does not include event tickets\, so be sure to register for both if you'd like to attend. Any information you provide related to your EBN membership through this registration form will be shared with the Ohio University Alumni Association and the Ebony Bobcat Network. DTEND:20250221T030000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T171727Z DTSTART:20250221T000000Z GEO:41.44902;-81.495836 LOCATION:Buffalo Wild Wings SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EBN Cleveland Watch Party and Dance Party\,2008:EventInstance_48781086455299 URL: ty END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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