BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Watch,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please note that the time for this event has changed to 5:30-8: 30 p.m.\n\nJoin us for an exciting gathering hosted by the Ebony Bobcat Net work\, Akron/Canton affiliate\, as we rally behind our Ohio University Bobc ats Men’s Basketball team in their game against the University of Akron! En joy delicious heavy hors d'oeuvres and refreshing non-alcoholic beverages p rovided by Status8 Elite Bar & Grill. There also will be additional menu it ems and alcoholic beverages available for purchase\, including a special si gnature event drink!\n\nDon’t miss this fantastic opportunity to connect wi th fellow Bobcats and show your support for the Green and White!\n\nIf you have any questions about the event\, contact Ebony Porter at ebnakroncanton If you need help with event registration\, contact Advancement Events at\n\n\n\nBecome a Member of the Ebony Bobcat Ne twork!\nDuring the registration process for this event\, you will be able t o sign up for EBN membership. Becoming a member of the Ebony Bobcat Network (EBN) is simple and affordable at just $50 for membership from February 20 25 through June 2026!\n\nIf you are unable to attend the event but would li ke to express your interest in EBN membership\, please submit the form and use the code EBNMembership to submit your interest.\n\nPlease Note: Becomin g an EBN member is a separate process from registering for a watch party ti cket. Membership does not include a watch party ticket\, so be sure to regi ster for both if you'd like to attend. Any information you provide related to your EBN membership through this registration form will be shared with t he Ohio University Alumni Association and the Ebony Bobcat Network. DTEND:20250223T013000Z DTSTAMP:20250223T064850Z DTSTART:20250222T223000Z GEO:41.076181;-81.523192 LOCATION:Status8 Elite Bar & Grill SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EBN Watch Party: Ohio University vs. Akron\,2008:EventInstance_48669948316662 URL: n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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