BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20240925T143000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20240925T113000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071957194 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241002T143000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241002T113000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071958219 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241009T143000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241009T113000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071960268 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241016T143000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241016T113000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071961293 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241023T143000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241023T113000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071963342 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241030T143000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241030T113000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071964367 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241106T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241106T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071966416 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241113T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241113T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071967441 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241120T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241120T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071969490 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241127T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241127T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071970515 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241204T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241204T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071971540 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241211T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241211T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071973589 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Stop by the main entrance at Elson Hall\, close to State Route 146\, to grab a quick drink on your way to work or class from local vendor Grace & Grounds!\n\nThis is open to the public to stop by to order from the coffee truck. DTEND:20241218T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T161325Z DTSTART:20241218T123000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Grace & Grounds Coffee Truck\,2008:EventInstance_47615071974614 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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