BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The High School Media Workshop is a hands-on creative opportuni ty to explore your production passion. This overnight\, on-campus experienc e will allow you to work with other high school students to create original work in the OHIO studio and lab spaces. The workshop includes overnight ac commodations and dining on campus to immerse you in the Athens student envi ronment.\n \n\nChoose from the following session topics:\n\nVideo productio n - story development\, digital cinematography and post-productionMusic pro duction and technologyAnimationAudio for cinema\nRegistration is limited an d will open on Monday\, December 2\, 2024.\n\n \n\nThe $700 workshop fee in cludes food and lodging in University dining and residence halls\, instruct ion and technical equipment\, and all workshop programming and activities.\ n\n \n\nPlease contact Andie Walla for information about scholarships befor e Monday\, March 31\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20241126T160024Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250625 GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University - Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Media Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_47781381177703 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The High School Media Workshop is a hands-on creative opportuni ty to explore your production passion. This overnight\, on-campus experienc e will allow you to work with other high school students to create original work in the OHIO studio and lab spaces. The workshop includes overnight ac commodations and dining on campus to immerse you in the Athens student envi ronment.\n \n\nChoose from the following session topics:\n\nVideo productio n - story development\, digital cinematography and post-productionMusic pro duction and technologyAnimationAudio for cinema\nRegistration is limited an d will open on Monday\, December 2\, 2024.\n\n \n\nThe $700 workshop fee in cludes food and lodging in University dining and residence halls\, instruct ion and technical equipment\, and all workshop programming and activities.\ n\n \n\nPlease contact Andie Walla for information about scholarships befor e Monday\, March 31\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20241126T160024Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250626 GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University - Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Media Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_47781381179752 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The High School Media Workshop is a hands-on creative opportuni ty to explore your production passion. This overnight\, on-campus experienc e will allow you to work with other high school students to create original work in the OHIO studio and lab spaces. The workshop includes overnight ac commodations and dining on campus to immerse you in the Athens student envi ronment.\n \n\nChoose from the following session topics:\n\nVideo productio n - story development\, digital cinematography and post-productionMusic pro duction and technologyAnimationAudio for cinema\nRegistration is limited an d will open on Monday\, December 2\, 2024.\n\n \n\nThe $700 workshop fee in cludes food and lodging in University dining and residence halls\, instruct ion and technical equipment\, and all workshop programming and activities.\ n\n \n\nPlease contact Andie Walla for information about scholarships befor e Monday\, March 31\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20241126T160024Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250627 GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University - Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Media Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_47781381180777 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The High School Media Workshop is a hands-on creative opportuni ty to explore your production passion. This overnight\, on-campus experienc e will allow you to work with other high school students to create original work in the OHIO studio and lab spaces. The workshop includes overnight ac commodations and dining on campus to immerse you in the Athens student envi ronment.\n \n\nChoose from the following session topics:\n\nVideo productio n - story development\, digital cinematography and post-productionMusic pro duction and technologyAnimationAudio for cinema\nRegistration is limited an d will open on Monday\, December 2\, 2024.\n\n \n\nThe $700 workshop fee in cludes food and lodging in University dining and residence halls\, instruct ion and technical equipment\, and all workshop programming and activities.\ n\n \n\nPlease contact Andie Walla for information about scholarships befor e Monday\, March 31\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20241126T160024Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250628 GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University - Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Media Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_47781381182826 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The High School Media Workshop is a hands-on creative opportuni ty to explore your production passion. This overnight\, on-campus experienc e will allow you to work with other high school students to create original work in the OHIO studio and lab spaces. The workshop includes overnight ac commodations and dining on campus to immerse you in the Athens student envi ronment.\n \n\nChoose from the following session topics:\n\nVideo productio n - story development\, digital cinematography and post-productionMusic pro duction and technologyAnimationAudio for cinema\nRegistration is limited an d will open on Monday\, December 2\, 2024.\n\n \n\nThe $700 workshop fee in cludes food and lodging in University dining and residence halls\, instruct ion and technical equipment\, and all workshop programming and activities.\ n\n \n\nPlease contact Andie Walla for information about scholarships befor e Monday\, March 31\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20241126T160024Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250629 GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University - Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Media Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_47781381184875 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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