CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Workshops & Classes
DESCRIPTION:Presenters\n\nPurba Das is a professor in Communication Studies
at Ohio University. Dr. Das’ research employs a critical approach in the f
ield of intercultural communication in understanding the problematics of na
tions\, national identity\, race\, caste\, media\, and health narratives in
marginalized populations in India and the USA.Sarah Wyatt is a professor a
nd research scientist in the department of Environmental and Plant Biology
at Ohio University. Sarah grew up in a small\, rural community in the far
western corner of Kentucky. She and her sisters were the first in their fa
mily to attend college. After completing a Ph.D. at Purdue University\, Sar
ah worked on a NASA-funded project at North Carolina State University\, com
bining her interests in plant biology and the space program. She and her gr
aduate students are currently studying the genes and proteins that allow pl
ants to respond to gravity. \n\nDescription: \n\nAs we welcome internation
al students to campus\, there is an opportunity for cultural exchange withi
n class instruction or through international graduate student instruction.
At the same time\, there is potential for cultural misunderstandings or con
flict. This workshop is designed to address two aspects of cultural exchang
e between international and domestic faculty and students.\n\nOptimizing cu
ltural exchange with international students in the classroom through inclus
ive pedagogy and purposive integration of international student lived exper
iences. Managing the classroom as an international instructor through under
standing the American experience and American academic culture.\n\nLearning
Outcomes\n\nCritically engage with\, and modify\, one’s teaching approach
to infuse inclusive pedagogical practices\, paying attention to syllabi cre
ation\, choice of readings\, pedagogy\, and/or approach in including the di
verse identities of those who have created milestones within one’s academic
discipline.Identify aspects of the hidden curriculum that have operated wi
thin one’s classroom (email etiquette\, code of conduct within the classroo
m\, recognize acculturating/assimilating forces and our own biases) and add
ress these issues as they arise.Envision the challenges and possibilities f
or diversity and inclusion within one’s field to consider how learning outc
omes can align with intercultural competencies to assist student achievemen
t in their careers.Reflect on one’s own cultural identity and positionality
\, as well as how privilege and oppression may function within the classroo
m and metrics for assessment. \n\nRegister
LOCATION:Alden Library\, 319
SUMMARY:Identity as an Instructor: Teaching in American Classrooms\,2008:EventInstance_44146525476059