BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200825T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200825T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317357692 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200826T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200826T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317358717 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200828T000000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200827T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317359742 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200828T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200828T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317361791 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200829T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200829T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317362816 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200831T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200831T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317364866 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200901T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200901T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317365891 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200902T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200902T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317366916 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200904T000000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200903T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317367941 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200904T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200904T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317369990 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200905T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093237Z DTSTART:20200905T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317371015 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200907T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093238Z DTSTART:20200907T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317373065 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200908T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093238Z DTSTART:20200908T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317374090 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200909T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093238Z DTSTART:20200909T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317375115 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200911T000000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093238Z DTSTART:20200910T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317377164 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200911T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093238Z DTSTART:20200911T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317378189 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Each fall semester\, Ohio University offers an arts-based survi vor-centered program. The 2020 fall exhibit\, In This Space: Disrupted\, is an innovative survivor-centered exhibit organized and sponsored by the Wom en’s Center\, Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio Universit y Art Galleries\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and wit h support from Counseling and Psychological Services. \n\nIn-person at Tris solini Gallary Aug. 25-Sept 12.Contact for an appointment. Virtual exhibit: Available soon. Check here to view. DTEND:20200912T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T093238Z DTSTART:20200912T140000Z GEO:39.324795;-82.101718 LOCATION:Trissolini Gallary\, 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_34404317379214 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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