BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Join us for an impactful event centered on promoting inclusive healthcare practices and reducing stigma affecting LGBTQ+ and other underre presented communities. The program will feature a keynote presentation by D wayne Steward\, Executive Director of Equality Ohio and proud Ohio Universi ty alumnus\, who will share insights on advancing health equity and advocat ing for LGBTQ+ rights and well-being.\n\n \n\nFollowing the keynote\, atten dees will enjoy a catered lunchtime panel during which Steward will moderat e a dynamic discussion with healthcare and advocacy leaders. Panelists will explore diverse and intersectional aspects of LGBTQ+ health journeys\, foc using on physical\, mental\, and emotional well-being. Topics will include addressing health disparities\, breaking down stigma\, and fostering empath y and inclusivity in healthcare and beyond.\n\n \n\nThis event offers an op portunity to connect with peers\, community leaders\, and healthcare profes sionals in a welcoming environment while exploring actionable ways to suppo rt LGBTQ+ health and reduce stigma.\n\n \n\nContact Pride Center Director M icah McCarey at mccarey@ohio edu with questions and to request event access via Microsoft Teams. DTEND:20250424T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250224T083938Z DTSTART:20250424T150000Z LOCATION:Multicultural Center\, 213 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Inclusive Health and Stigma Reduction for LGBTQ+ Communities\,2008:EventInstance_48916140314785 URL: or-lgbtq-communities END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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