BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Join us as we honor a true aviation pioneer\, Joan E. Mace\, th e first woman to lead Ohio University's Aviation Department and celebrate o ur accomplished Aviation Alumni! You're invited to a weekend of soaring thr ough history and forging new connections.\n\nPrepare for an unforgettable w eekend filled with receptions for connecting with your fellow Bobcats\, cam pus tours to relive your aviation roots\, captivating panel sessions that p rovide fresh perspectives on the future of aviation\, and so much more!\n\n Hotel Accommodations\nWe have reserved rooms at the Ohio University Inn at a rate of $200 per night plus tax. Please call 866.593.6661 and mention the aviation reunion to receive the special rate.\n\nSupport Aviation Students \nIf you would like to make a donation to support scholarships for aviation students\, you can add that to your transaction at the end of the registra tion process. All funds received will go to the Joan Mace Russ Vision Aviat ion Scholarship fund. \n\nQuestions\nIf you have any questions\, please con tact Corbin Marsh at DTEND:20240420T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241130T071615Z DTSTART:20240419T230000Z GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University\, Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Joan E. Mace Memorial Aviation Alumni Reunion\,2008:EventInstance_45314735435985 URL: union END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Join us as we honor a true aviation pioneer\, Joan E. Mace\, th e first woman to lead Ohio University's Aviation Department and celebrate o ur accomplished Aviation Alumni! You're invited to a weekend of soaring thr ough history and forging new connections.\n\nPrepare for an unforgettable w eekend filled with receptions for connecting with your fellow Bobcats\, cam pus tours to relive your aviation roots\, captivating panel sessions that p rovide fresh perspectives on the future of aviation\, and so much more!\n\n Hotel Accommodations\nWe have reserved rooms at the Ohio University Inn at a rate of $200 per night plus tax. Please call 866.593.6661 and mention the aviation reunion to receive the special rate.\n\nSupport Aviation Students \nIf you would like to make a donation to support scholarships for aviation students\, you can add that to your transaction at the end of the registra tion process. All funds received will go to the Joan Mace Russ Vision Aviat ion Scholarship fund. \n\nQuestions\nIf you have any questions\, please con tact Corbin Marsh at DTEND:20240421T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241130T071615Z DTSTART:20240420T120000Z GEO:39.32924;-82.101255 LOCATION:Ohio University\, Athens Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Joan E. Mace Memorial Aviation Alumni Reunion\,2008:EventInstance_45314735438034 URL: union END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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