BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University employees are encouraged to participate in this training session focused on identifying and responding to mental health in the workplace. By participating\, employees can become empowered to advoca te for themselves and their colleagues\, creating a safer and more supporti ve workplace environment for all. Online registration is now open.\n\n \n\n This Awareness\, Interaction and Direction (A.I.D.) training is a 60-minute mental health awareness training that teaches individuals how to be aware of the signs and symptoms of someone in distress\, how to effectively inter act with someone in distress\, and how to locate and provide resources to i ndividuals in distress. This training also discusses definitions surroundin g mental health such as mental distress\, mental illness\, stigma and more. \n\n \n\nThis training is being provided to Ohio University by researchers and practitioners from Kent State University. In 2019\, researchers in the Center for Public Policy and Health in the College of Public Health at Ken t State University created A.I.D. Since that time\, this training has been utilized in over 3 SAMHSA funded grants. The Center has also published a ma nuscript on A.I.D.'s effectiveness as a mental health awareness training. \ n\n \n\nThis virtual event is free and open to all current faculty and staf f at all of Ohio University’s campuses. It has been organized through a par tnership between Center for OHIO Employee Excellence\, Dean’s Office within the College of Health Sciences and Professions and the Healthy OHIO Employ ee Well-being program. Additional partner hosts of this event include Divis ion of Diversity and Inclusion\, Office of Sustainability\, Psychology & So cial Work Clinic and the Associate Provost for Faculty Development Office. The program has been curated by and will be presented by our partners at Ke nt State University’s Center for Public Policy and Health. \n\n \n\nCurren t Ohio University (non-student) employees on all campuses and in remote pos itions are invited to register for this live via Teams event which will tak e place March 20 at 1pm. DTEND:20250320T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T124257Z DTSTART:20250320T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Mental Health: Awareness\, Interaction and Direction (A.I.D.) Train ing\,2008:EventInstance_48746218754160 URL: -direction-aid-training END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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