CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:NQPI Seminar | Chemistry of Useful Destruction\, Sept. 29\n\nTh
e Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI) 's Seminar Forum series
presents Benjamin Bythell discussing “Chemistry of Useful Destruction” on S
ept. 29 at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.\n\n \n\nBythell is associate professor
of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Ohio University.\n\n \n\nAbstract: My resear
ch directly addresses identification of chemical structure. I strive to und
erstand the structure\, reactivity\, and gas-phase behavior of biologically
-\, medically-\, forensically-\, and industrially-important chemicals. Fund
amentally\, chemical structure determines the properties and potential func
tions of any given chemical. Thus\, by accurately determining the chemical
structure of unknown chemicals we can then determine their specific functio
n(s). I use a combination of analytical\, computational\, and biophysical c
hemistry techniques in my research. I utilize tandem mass spectrometry\, se
parations\, and spectroscopy coupled with regiospecific labelling. I develo
p methods for improved chemical characterization based on superior understa
nding of the key gas-phase chemistries involved in the diagnostic fragmenta
tion of the relevant analyte ions. In tandem mass spectrometry-based approa
ches to chemical identification\, each collection of fragment ions is chara
cteristic of the specific precursor ion structure(s). We leverage our under
standing of the gas-phase chemistry to enable identification of the precurs
or ion. Understanding the gas-phase chemistry comes from the application of
targeted computational approaches coupled to the experimental work to mode
l the molecular ion “destruction” (custom molecular dynamics\, density func
tional and ab initio calculations\, and kinetic modeling). My talk will add
ress how the approach works\, current successes\, limitations\, and prospec
ts for the future.\n\n \n\nBrief Biography \n\nI received a MChem. from Bat
h University\, UK in 2002 and a Ph.D. from Oregon State University in 2007.
After a postdoctoral fellowship at the German Cancer Research Center in He
idelberg\, Germany (2008-2010)\, and the National High Magnetic Field Labor
atory at Florida State University (2010-2013)\, I was hired as an Assistant
Professor at the University of Missouri in St. Louis (UMSL). I was granted
tenure at UMSL and promoted to Associate Professor in early 2019\, before
accepting my current position in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemist
ry at Ohio University. I re-acquired tenure at Ohio University in 2021. I h
ave received grants from the ACS-PRF\, NSF\, and NIH. I am on the Editorial
Board of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.
LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 245
SUMMARY:NQPI Seminar | Chemistry of Useful Destruction\, Sept. 29\,2008:EventInstance_40687283729757