BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210205T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210205T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925903190 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210210T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210210T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925904215 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210212T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210212T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925905240 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210217T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210217T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925906265 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210219T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210219T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925907290 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210224T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210224T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925908315 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210226T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210226T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925909340 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210303T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210303T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925910365 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210305T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210305T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925911390 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210310T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210310T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925912415 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210312T023000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210312T013000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925913440 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210317T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210317T003000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925914465 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210319T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210319T003000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925914466 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210324T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210324T003000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925915491 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210326T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210326T003000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925916516 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210331T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210331T003000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925917541 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:OHIO Student Rec Skate ice times are open skating sessions avai lable to all OHIO Students at any experience level. Entry is free for OHIO Students\, and skate rentals are $5.00. Students must register online in ad vance of each session. Before attending\, please review the Rec Skate Polic ies and Procedures. Bird Arena staff will be available on the ice for any a ssistance. For more information or accommodations\, call 740-593-4676 or c ontact! OHIO Student Rec Skates will run Februar y-March 2021. DTEND:20210402T013000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T221924Z DTSTART:20210402T003000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Student Rec Skate\,2008:EventInstance_35679925918566 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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