CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:Physics Colloquium | Climate Change and Tipping Points: The Fut
ure of Nature\, Humanity and the Global Economy\, Oct. 30\n\nThe Physics &
Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Mike Bevis of The Ohio State Universit
y on “Climate Change and Tipping Points: The Future of Nature\, Humanity an
d the Global Economy\,” on Friday\, Oct. 30\, at 4:10 p.m. at an Online Dep
artmental Colloquium (Virtual link to be posted later).\n\nJoin on Teams on
your computer or mobile appOr call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6572\,\,4820
26457# United States\, Columbus Phone Conference ID: 482 026 457#Abstract
: Climate change has already reached crisis levels\, and the threat of clim
ate catastrophe is only too real.\n\nI will begin by briefly reviewing glob
al warming and climate change in terms of its physical causes\, describe th
e importance of feedback\, and then go on to describe the expected physical
impacts of climate change. I will briefly describe the biological impacts
too\, focusing on the impending collapse of coral reef ecosystems\, because
of what this tells us about the onset of tipping points\, and to introduce
the concept of ‘wobble and tip’. Then I will focus the rest of the climate
part of this talk on the cryosphere\, especially the Greenland ice sheet\,
to develop the concept of tipping points in more detail. In particular\, I
will argue that the Greenland ice sheet has already passed two major tippi
ng points\, one associated with global ocean warming\, and the other associ
ated with global warming of the atmosphere. I will then shift gears\, and s
eek some grounds for optimism! And that is the extremely rapid growth of re
newable energy. I will present an argument as to why that growth will conti
nue. I will conclude that the major barriers to saving our climate system\,
nature\, society as we know it\, and the global economy\, are mostly polit
ical in nature\, and not technical. One key question is\, will the short te
rm and narrow interests of the fossil fuel industry be allowed to destroy t
he prospects of the far wider economy? The other key question is\, what do
you plan to do about it?
SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | Climate Change and Tipping Points: The Future
of Nature\, Humanity and the Global Economy\, Oct. 30\,2008:EventInstance_34476574838156