BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Qigong for Beginners\nPresented by Beth Brown\nDate: March 19th \, 2024\nTime: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM\nLocation: Herrold Hall\, Ohio University Zanesville\n\nTake a deep breath and discover the transformative benefits o f Qigong\, an ancient Chinese practice that combines movement\, breath cont rol\, and meditation to promote physical and mental well-being. Join instru ctor Beth Brown for this beginner-friendly session\, where you'll learn the fundamentals of Qigong and experience how this practice can help reduce st ress\, improve flexibility\, and enhance your overall energy flow.\n\nWheth er you’re new to mind-body practices or simply looking for a gentle way to enhance your health and vitality\, this workshop will guide you through eas y-to-follow exercises designed to balance and harmonize your body’s energy. \n\nThis session is ideal for those looking for a calm\, low-impact workout that supports both mental clarity and physical health. No prior experience is necessary—just come dressed comfortably and ready to learn.\n\nRSVP: Th is event is free and open to all\, but space may be limited. Join us for an hour of relaxation\, rejuvenation\, and mindfulness! DTEND:20250319T200000Z DTSTAMP:20250223T235106Z DTSTART:20250319T190000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus\, Zanesville Campus Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Qigong for Beginners with the MCLS\,2008:EventInstance_48499328736049 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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