BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:THE ATHENA CINEMA AND OEFFA ARE THRILLED TO PRESENT A SPECIAL S CREENING OF THIS IMPORTANT EMMY-NOMINATED DOCUMENTARY!\n\nFew things on Ear th are as miraculous and vital as seeds – they have been worshipped and tre asured by various peoples since the dawn of humankind.\n\nSEED: The Untold Story follows a handful of dedicated seed-keepers from around the planet wh o have tasked themselves with protecting our 12\,000-year old food legacy. And\, protection is a must – During the past century\, 94% of our seed vari eties have disappeared. Moreover\, “Big Ag” and bio-tech firms have control of the market-share and distribution of the vast majority of seeds availab le to farmers\, forcing scientists\, lawyers\, and indigenous seed-stewards into a David-and-Goliath battle to defend the future of our food.\n\nThrou gh this compelling and poetic story\, executive produced by Marissa Tomei\, SEED relates the trials and travails of often-reluctant heroes – including Vandana Shiva\, Dr. Jane Goodall\, Andrew Kimbrell\, Winona Laduke\, and R aj Patel – who strive to repair our lost connection to our most treasured r esource and help a global culture centered on seeds begin to take root.\n\n Admission is FREE and open to the public thanks to our partnership with\n\n OEFFA (Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association)\n\nTo pre-register for th e screening and show your support for OEFFA\, please visit their webpage he re:\n\nSEED: The Untold Story Event Registration DTEND:20240324T200000Z DTSTAMP:20250221T125226Z DTSTART:20240324T180000Z GEO:39.328395;-82.100838 LOCATION:Athena Cinema SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:SEED: THE UNTOLD STORY\,2008:EventInstance_45818333091521 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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