BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Join Outdoor Pursuits for an evening smores and campfire fun. W e will spend the evening roasting marshmallows\, spotting constellations\, and Ridges lore while sipping hot chocolate. Fee includes transportation\, instructors and campfire snacks. Please wear clothes appropriate for a ligh t hike and bring a water bottle.\n\nYou must register beforehand. You can u se this link: ed5ba57-efac-4ca6-855a-399273682998\n\nParticipants will meet at the Ping R ecreation Climbing Wall and be transported to the Ridges. DTEND:20240203T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T021936Z DTSTART:20240203T000000Z GEO:-36.37985;145.706409 LOCATION:Challenge Course at the Ridges SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sibs Weekend Campfire and Smores\,2008:EventInstance_45376925480748 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Join Outdoor Pursuits for an evening smores and campfire fun. W e will spend the evening roasting marshmallows\, spotting constellations\, and Ridges lore while sipping hot chocolate. Fee includes transportation\, instructors and campfire snacks. Please wear clothes appropriate for a ligh t hike and bring a water bottle.\n\nYou must register beforehand. You can u se this link: ed5ba57-efac-4ca6-855a-399273682998\n\nParticipants will meet at the Ping R ecreation Climbing Wall and be transported to the Ridges. DTEND:20240204T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T021936Z DTSTART:20240204T000000Z GEO:-36.37985;145.706409 LOCATION:Challenge Course at the Ridges SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sibs Weekend Campfire and Smores\,2008:EventInstance_45366062804839 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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