BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:SEOMTA Fall Conference 2024\n\nSaturday September 14th\n\n9:00a m -12:45pm\n\nFull Schedule\n\n9:00-10:00 am Leila Viss\n\n“Does your Feedb ack Need Fixing? How to Find Words That Matter"\n\n10:00-10:30 Break - Meet up\n\nThis is a great time to welcome and talk with our new members! \n\n 10:30-11:30 am Jeremy Siskind\n\n“5 Things Every Piano Teacher Should Know about Jazz (but probably doesn't know yet)”\n\n11:45:12:45pm\n\nBusiness Me eting \n\nLeila Viss \n\nLeila Viss innovates resources for her piano studi o and website and hosts Composiums coaching pianists in composition. Renown ed for engaging presentations\, she's honored to be recognized as Colorado' s 2024 MTNA Foundation Fellow.\n\n"Does your Feedback Need Fixing? How to F ind Words That Matter"\n\nCommunicating meaningful feedback is directly rel ated to student progress. Learn three reasons why typical feedback often fa lls short and takeaway six steps to flip feedback to effective “feedforward ” that keeps students coming back for more.\n\nLeila has received glowing c omments from this presentation:\n\n"What a fantastic presentation! Our grou p is buzzing about you\, the positive and practical message you bring\, and the graceful\, articulate way you bring it. Thank you\, thank you\, thank you! I hope we are able to get you back to NC one way or the other so that more of our membership can benefit." \n\n-Victoria Fischer Faw\n\nProfesso r Emeritus\, Elon University\n\n\n\n \n\nJeremy S iskind\n\nJeremy Siskind is the rare musician whose imaginative albums land on “best of” lists while his ground-breaking instructional books populate “best-seller” lists. A top finisher in national and international jazz pian o competitions\, Siskind is a two-time laureate of the American Pianists As sociation and the winner of the Nottingham International Jazz Piano Competi tion. A sought-after educator\, Siskind has published more than 20 instruct ional books\, including Playing Solo Jazz Piano\, with an introduction by F red Hersch\, and the ground-breaking Jazz Piano Fundamentals series. Beside s Siskind’s own YouTube channel\, which boasts over 18\,000 subscribers\, S iskind is frequently seen teaching on digital platforms like Tonebase\, Ope n Studio\, and Piano with Jonny\, as well as presenting webinars and in-per son lectures for the Frances Clark Institute\, the Music Teachers National Association\, and the Imagine Solutions Conference. Siskind helps to guide education and pedagogy surrounding improvisation and composition. Siskind s preads peace through music in places like Lebanon\, Tunisia\, and Thailand with the non-profit organization\, Jazz Education Abroad. Jeremy Siskind is a Yamaha Artist.\n\n“5 Things Every Piano Teacher Should Know about Jazz ( but probably doesn't know yet)”\n\nAlmost every “traditional” piano teacher will be asked to teach jazz at some point in their career\, yet few receiv e any real jazz training. Noted pedagogue and real-life jazz pianist Jeremy Siskind offers his 5 “Need to Know” Jazz Essentials to give you creative c onfidence in any teaching scenario and help you enliven all of your teachin g. From the details of swing feel\, to decoding the nuances of chord symbol s\, learn how you can guide your students towards expressive improvisation. Bring concerns\, leave with confidence!\n\n DTEND:20240914T164500Z DTSTAMP:20250220T021522Z DTSTART:20240914T130000Z LOCATION:Ohio University School of Music\, 472 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Southeast Ohio Music Teachers Association Fall Conference\,2008:EventInstance_47271904705431 URL: on-fall-conference END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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