BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:Sustainability Series: THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE\n\nFilmed in th e verdant jungles of the Amazon (Ecuador and Peru)\, the brightly colored c ultures of the Pan American First Nations communities (Vancouver\, Alberta) and the United States Indian tribes (Oklahoma)\, viewers glimpse extraordi nary beauty in the places\, faces and regalia of traditional people.\n\nThe Indigenous heartfelt pursuit for self- discovery\, self- reclamation\, and a way of life\, is chronicled as they build alliances around the world (in Peru\, Ecuador\, Paris\, Vancouver\, Alberta\, Washington\, New York\, etc .) because to them a crime against Mother Earth is a crime against humanity .\n\nThe Condor & The Eagle follows the protagonists as they develop a resi stance strategy that matches the level of their opponents – taking their ef fort to South America\, Europe and beyond. Their task is to make local batt les an International concern and finally expose criminal corporations respo nsible for serious crimes. The film promotes an intercultural dialogue by s howing how non-Indigenous and Indigenous people come together. DTEND:20200908T035900Z DTSTAMP:20241124T162853Z DTSTART:20200908T003000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sustainability Film Series | THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE\,2008:EventInstance_34399916748829 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:Sustainability Series: THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE\n\nFilmed in th e verdant jungles of the Amazon (Ecuador and Peru)\, the brightly colored c ultures of the Pan American First Nations communities (Vancouver\, Alberta) and the United States Indian tribes (Oklahoma)\, viewers glimpse extraordi nary beauty in the places\, faces and regalia of traditional people.\n\nThe Indigenous heartfelt pursuit for self- discovery\, self- reclamation\, and a way of life\, is chronicled as they build alliances around the world (in Peru\, Ecuador\, Paris\, Vancouver\, Alberta\, Washington\, New York\, etc .) because to them a crime against Mother Earth is a crime against humanity .\n\nThe Condor & The Eagle follows the protagonists as they develop a resi stance strategy that matches the level of their opponents – taking their ef fort to South America\, Europe and beyond. Their task is to make local batt les an International concern and finally expose criminal corporations respo nsible for serious crimes. The film promotes an intercultural dialogue by s howing how non-Indigenous and Indigenous people come together. DTEND:20200909T035900Z DTSTAMP:20241124T162853Z DTSTART:20200908T040000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sustainability Film Series | THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE\,2008:EventInstance_34399916749854 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:Sustainability Series: THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE\n\nFilmed in th e verdant jungles of the Amazon (Ecuador and Peru)\, the brightly colored c ultures of the Pan American First Nations communities (Vancouver\, Alberta) and the United States Indian tribes (Oklahoma)\, viewers glimpse extraordi nary beauty in the places\, faces and regalia of traditional people.\n\nThe Indigenous heartfelt pursuit for self- discovery\, self- reclamation\, and a way of life\, is chronicled as they build alliances around the world (in Peru\, Ecuador\, Paris\, Vancouver\, Alberta\, Washington\, New York\, etc .) because to them a crime against Mother Earth is a crime against humanity .\n\nThe Condor & The Eagle follows the protagonists as they develop a resi stance strategy that matches the level of their opponents – taking their ef fort to South America\, Europe and beyond. Their task is to make local batt les an International concern and finally expose criminal corporations respo nsible for serious crimes. The film promotes an intercultural dialogue by s howing how non-Indigenous and Indigenous people come together. DTEND:20200910T003000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T162853Z DTSTART:20200909T040000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sustainability Film Series | THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE\,2008:EventInstance_34399916750879 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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