BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221007T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221007T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350157355 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221014T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221014T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350160428 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221021T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221021T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350162477 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221028T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221028T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350164526 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221104T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221104T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350166575 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221118T190000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221118T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350169648 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to offer The G rad Pad -- an online\, drop-in support space for graduate students. In this space\, you can share your experiences in a supportive group setting\, wit hout a full semester commitment. The Grad Pad occurs on Fridays at 1 PM\, s tarting October 7th and ending December 2nd (except on Veteran's Day and on Thanksgiving Break).\n \n\nThe Grad Pad is a resource that can be utilized throughout the semester\, between counseling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. This service does not replace individual or grou p mental health treatment. The Grad Pad is open to any graduate student at Ohio University\, including OHIO Online\, regional campus\, and medical stu dents. Students do not have to be a client or currently located in the stat e of Ohio to take part. DTEND:20221202T190000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T031731Z DTSTART:20221202T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Grad Pad\,2008:EventInstance_41130350172721 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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