BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201116 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349957871 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201117 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349958896 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201118 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349959921 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201119 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349960946 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201120 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349961971 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201121 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349962996 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201122 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349965045 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201123 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349965046 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201124 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349966071 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201125 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349967096 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201126 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349969145 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201127 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349970170 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201128 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349971195 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201129 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349972220 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201130 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349973245 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201201 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349974270 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201202 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349975295 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201203 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349976320 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION: \n\n \n\nThe Prague Trail for Peace and Non-Violent Resistance runs through places connected t o the lives of people who\, without violence\, have defended life and human rights against dehumanizing evil\, fear and indifference. The Peace Trail is a tourist trail of a kind. It has a beginning and an end\, can be walked is a single day (20 km) with the option of taking public transport. Creato rs of the Prague Peace Trail will guide you along a section of the trail by walking and using some public transportation. Learn about the significance of all people mentioned in the context of Czech history and politics. This tour will include portions of the Prague neighborhoods Zizkov\, Vinohrady\ , Nove Mesto\, and Letna\, which are some of the most popular neighborhoods for univesrity students in Prague\, each with their own unique culture. \n \n \n\nThis ayschronous experience is led by Prague Peace Trail co-creator\ , Ondřej Skovajsa\, Ph.D\, Faculty of the Arts at Charles University (ECES) in Prague\, Czech Republic. Dr. Skovajsa completed his graduate and post-g raduate work in American\, Czech\, and Comparative Literature at Charles Un iversity in Prague. As an interpreter and translator\, he placed Walt Whitm an and Henry Miller and the concept of orality at the center of his scholar ly attention. Between 2010 and 2015\, Dr. Skovajsa worked as an assistant p rofessor of English at Purkyně University\, Ústí nad Labem. He spent the ac ademic year 2011/2012 in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship at th e University of California\, Santa Cruz. Since 2008 he has been teaching co urses for foreign students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the framework of the East and Central European Studies program\, where he n ow teaches courses titled “From Thoreau to Havel: Chapters in Czech and Ame rican Struggle for Social Justice” and “Politics of Song: From Folklore to Hip-Hop”. He is the author of a monograph\, Written Voice (Psaný hlas \, Ma lvern\, 2015) and translations of Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass (2018) and Henry Miller’s Essays (2011). He is also the main author of a p ublic history project\, Prague Peace Trail (2019). During the past four yea rs\, Dr. Skovajsa has been pursuing research in ethnomusicology\, collectin g and analyzing Moravian\, Slovakian and Roma folksongs and studying them f rom the vantage point of memory\, introducing the concept of mnemopoetics. During the current pandemic\, he is translating the UN’s Handbook on Restor ative Justice Programmes (2020) for the Czech Institute for Restorative Jus tice.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20241123T154935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201204 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Global Experience: Prague Peace Trail Walking Tour\,2008:EventInstance_35086349977345 URL: trail_walking_tour END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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