BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20220928T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20220928T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236287046 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20220929T134500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20220929T130000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236289095 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20220929T204500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20220929T200000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236291144 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221003T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221003T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236293193 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221005T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221005T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236296266 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221006T134500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221006T130000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236298315 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221006T204500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221006T200000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236300364 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221010T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221010T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236303437 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221012T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221012T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236306510 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221013T134500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221013T130000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236309583 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221013T204500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221013T200000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236312656 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221017T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221017T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236315729 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221019T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221019T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236317778 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221020T134500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221020T130000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236319827 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221020T204500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221020T200000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236321876 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221024T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221024T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236323925 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221026T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221026T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236325974 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221027T134500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221027T130000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236328023 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221027T204500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221027T200000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236330072 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221031T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221031T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236332121 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221102T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221102T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236333146 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221103T134500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221103T130000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236335195 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221103T204500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221103T200000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236337244 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221107T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221107T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236339293 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221109T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221109T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236341342 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221110T144500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221110T140000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236343391 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221110T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221110T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236345440 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221114T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221114T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236346465 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221116T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221116T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236348514 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221117T144500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221117T140000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236350563 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221117T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221117T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236352612 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221121T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221121T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236355685 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221123T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221123T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236357734 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221124T144500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221124T140000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236359783 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221124T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221124T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236361832 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221128T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221128T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236363881 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221130T224500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221130T220000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236365930 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221201T144500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221201T140000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236369003 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:This yoga flow class moves through sun salutations\, standing p oses\, balance poses and seated stretches to get blood and energy moving th roughout the body. We work on and focus on connecting movements to the brea th. The class is open to all levels and offers modifications.\n\n \n\nTo ai d in sanitation measures\, all participants are encouraged to bring their o wn mat for Yoga classes.\n\n \n\nModifications and intesifications are offe red and encouraged in all classes making it accommodating to beginners and all other levels. Interpretations of each style will differ between instruc tors while keeping integrity to their specified difficulty level.\n\n \n\n \n\nMust be a current member or purchase a day pass to Ping Recreation Cent er in order to register and attend group fitness classes.\n\n \n\nEvery Gro up Fitness class requires pre-registration. Registration for each Group Fit ness class opens 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. \n\n \n\n You can find registration and additional information online at RecShop.ohio .edu. DTEND:20221201T214500Z DTSTAMP:20241123T105004Z DTSTART:20221201T210000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Studio 219 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Yoga Group Fitness Class\,2008:EventInstance_41172236370028 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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