BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:What is a microaggression? How can it affect you and your colle agues in the work environment?\n\nMicroaggressions are brief proclamations or activities that convey a negative message about a non-dominant group. In contrast to outright prejudice\, sexism or other "isms\," microaggressions are not intended to be hostile. In reality\, numerous micro-aggressors wil l bristle at the proposal that their comment or activity was unsafe. Regard less\, microaggressions have destructive ramifications for individuals.\n\n Microaggressions in the workplace are still an ordinary encounter for profe ssionals from underrepresented backgrounds. Therefore\, it is worth educati ng or re-educating yourself on this topic so you can navigate and understan d how your words\, or others' statements\, can create an unfriendly environ ment for others.\n\nPresenter\nDr. Winsome Chunnu\, MA '04\, PHD '09\, is t he Strategic Director for Diversity and Inclusion and Multicultural Program s and Initiatives. Widely known as the Jamaican bombshell\, she adores her dog\, Reka\, and is an auntie to 3 dogs and 2 cats. Winsome's energy is inf ectious – she has a captivating story for everything!\n\nYour Career Toolki t\nThe Your Career Toolkit series aims to help Bobcats build their professi onal development resources in order to enhance their workplace skills. This is the first event in this series. Here are some of the dates and topics f or our other events in the series: \n\nJune 8: Safezone in the Workplace\nJ uly 13: Design Your Career\nAugust 10: Nailing the Interview\n\nContact\nAf ter you register\, you will receive a confirmation email that will include details about how to join this virtual event. If you have any questions abo ut this event\, contact Dori Branch at DTEND:20220511T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T055359Z DTSTART:20220511T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Your Career Toolkit: Navigating Microaggressions in the Workplace\,2008:EventInstance_39757847926523 URL: ressions END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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