Canvas Gradebook features

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Gradebook Settings

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Gradebook Settings can be accessed using the following directions 

  1. Go to
  2. ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Gradesin the course navigation menu
  4. Select the gear iconin the upper right corner 

There are four pages of Gradebook Settings that you can view and customize based on your course needs.  

  • Late Policies
    • ​​​​​​​From this settings page you can opt to Automatically apply grades for missing submissionsor automatically apply deductions to late submissions.You can check the relevant boxes to activate these features and enter the details for the policies as desired.
    • Note:It is recommended that you share these policies on your course syllabus page for student awareness.  
  • Grade Posting Policy – there are two grades posting policies available in the Canvas gradebook, both are described below.
    • ​​​​​​​ Automatically Post Grades– when this policy is selected assignment grades will be visible to students as soon as they are entered by the grader or graded automatically in the case of certain assignments.
    • Manually Post Grades- when this policy is selected grades will be hidden by default. The instructor can make grades available to students by manually posting the grade using the assignment column in the gradebook. Once a grade is posted manually, it will send notifications, and all feedback will be visible to students.
    • Note:Instructors can set different grading policies for individual assignment columns by selecting the three dots in the column and selecting Grade Posting Policy.
    • Note:Changing a gradebook policy after grades have already been entered will not cause retroactive changes to grades that have previously been posted or hidden.
  • Advanced - From this settings page you can opt to Allow final grade override. This feature is intended for schools that have a direct connection between Canvas and their grading system, which Ohio University does not.
  • View Options – This settings pages allows for instructors to customize the view of their gradebook.
    • The Arrange bydropdown menu allows you to adjust your viewing options in the Canvas gradebook to display your columns in a certain order based on their traits (e.g. Assignment Name, Due Date, Points, Module).
  • The Showcheckboxes allow you to display or hide items from the the gradebook.
    • Notes: displays a notes column where you can add notes about your students.
    • Unpublished Assignments: choose to display or hide unpublished assignments.
    • Split Students Names: creates two columns for student names allowing you to sort by first name or last name easily.
    • Hide Assignment Group Totals: choose to display or hide assignment group totals
    • Hide Total and Override Columns: choose to display or hide total and override columns.
  • Status Color: You may select the pencil icon to change a color for an assignment status. You may select no color if you prefer not to have assignment status to be color-coded.
    • Note:If you would like to add a new color to your gradebook, you can do so by adding the HEX code into the field.  
  1. Select Apply Settings 

Outcome:You have customized your Canvas Gradebook Settings.  

Column Arrangement 

View Options for Column Arrangement 

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You can adjust your viewing options in the Canvas gradebook to display your columns in a certain order based on their traits.  

  1. Go to
  2. ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Gradesin the course navigation menu
  4. Select the gear iconin the upper right corner
  5. Select View Options
  6. Select Arrange Byand choose your preferred option (e.g. Assignment Name, Due Date, Points, Module).
    • Note: You may also select to show, or hide the following from the View Options menu: notes, unpublished assignments, split student names, assignment group totals, total and override columns
  7. Select Apply Settings 

Outcome: Your gradebook has been reordered based on your column traits.  

Manual Column Arrangement 

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Alternatively, you can also arrange your gradebook columns manually.  

  1. Go to  edu.ohiocanvas.
  2. ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Gradesin the course navigation menu
  4. Locate the column you want to arrange
  5. Select the column by clicking on the header
    • Note:You can click anywhere other than the three dots in the Column Header
  6. Drag the column to your desired location

Note:Manual placement is persistent in the Gradebook until the column is reordered. 

Outcome:Your column has been reordered based on your preferences.  

Total Grade Column 

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The Total Grade Column provides a cumulative score for students, updating automatically as new grades are entered based on the points, and assignment group weights if applicable. This feature can help both instructors and students track progress throughout the course. 

Moving the Total Grade Column 

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If you would like to move your Total Grade Column, you can do so using the directions for Manual Column Arrangement or by selecting the three dots in the column header and selecting Move to Front or Move to End as desired.  

Updating your Grading Scheme 

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Canvas has a default grading scale that is used to determine the letter grade in the Total Grade Column. If you would like to update the grading scale based on your course, you can do so by following the directions below.  

  1. Go to
  2. ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Settings
  4. Select the checkbox to Enable Course Grading Scheme
  5. Select New Grading Scheme
  6. Enter the name of your new grading scheme in the Grading Scheme Name field
  7. Select either pointsor percentagebased on your preferences
  8. Enter the desired value for each letter grade.
    • Note: The lowest number of each row must match the highest number of the row below, and decimal places may be entered.
    • Note: You may select the plus sign (+) iconto create a new row, or the trashcan button to delete a row.
  9. Select Save
  10. Select Update Course Details 

Outcome:Your grading scheme has been updated and will be reflected in the letter grade listed in the Total Grade column.  

Creating New Columns 

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Columns can be added to the Gradebook from the Assignments page on Canvas. This offers flexibility in how instructors manage and record grades. To create a column for assignments or activities that are not submitted through Canvas follow the directions below.  

  1. Go to  edu.ohiocanvas.
  2. ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Assignments
  4. Select the green +Assignmentbutton
  5. Enter the Assignment Name, this will be name for your Column Header in the gradebook.
  6. Enter other assignment details such as points, group and grade display
  7. Select the dropdown menu associated with Submission Type
  8. Select either On Paper(for assignments that will be turned in on paper) or No Submission (for no student submission at all)
  9. Enter any remaining assignment details
  10. Depending on whether you are ready for students to see this assignment in their gradebook select either Save & Publish or Save.
    • Note:Instructors are not able to add grades to columns for assignments that are not published.  

Outcome:A new column has been added to your gradebook based on the assignment settings you have entered.  

Creating a Point-Based Gradebook 

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  1. Go to
  2. ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Assignments
  4. Select the three dotsin the upper right corner
  5. Select Assignment Group Weight
  6. To create a points-based gradebook uncheck the box that says Weight final grade based on assignment groups
  7. Select Save

Outcome:Your gradebook will not be based on assignment group weights, but upon the points you enter for each assignment.  

Creating a Weight-Based Gradebook 

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  1. Go to  
  2. Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Assignments
  4. Select the +Groupbutton to create all the categories for your gradebook
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Note:Assignment groups can contain assignments, quizzes, and discussions.
  5. Select the three dotsin the upper right corner
  6. Select Assignment Group Weight
  7. To create a points-based gradebook check the box that says Weight final grade based on assignment groups
  8. Enter the weights for each group
  9. Select Save
  10. Create or move assignments within the appropriate group/s 

Outcome:Your gradebook will now be based on assignment group weights you have specified.  

Gradebook Views in Canvas 

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The three primary gradebook views available in Canvas are the Traditional Gradebook, Individual Gradebook View, and Gradebook History. Each view serves a specific purpose and provides unique functionalities to enhance the grading experience. 

Traditional Gradebook 

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The Traditional Gradebook is the default view in Canvas. It provides a comprehensive overview of all students and their grades across various assignments and assessments. In this view, instructors can: 

  • See all students and grades on a single table.
  • ​​​​​​​Sort and filter grades by assignment group, due date, and more.
  • Enter and adjust grades, leave comments, and manage assignment details. 

This view is particularly useful for getting a snapshot of overall class performance and making quick updates to student grades. 

Individual Gradebook View 

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The Individual Gradebook View allows instructors to focus on a single student's grades across all assignments. This view is beneficial for: 

  • Reviewing a student's progress in detail.
  • ​​​​​​​Providing personalized feedback and comments.
  • Identifying patterns or areas where a student may need additional support. 

This focused view helps instructors tailor their feedback and interventions to individual student needs. 

Gradebook History 

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The Gradebook History view provides a log of all grade changes made in Canvas. Instructors can: 

  • Track changes to grades over time.
  • ​​​​​​​Identify who made specific changes and when.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability in grading practices. 

This historical perspective is helpful for auditing and resolving any discrepancies in student grades. 

How to Change Gradebook Views in Canvas 

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  1. Go to  edu.ohiocanvas.
  2. ​​​​​​​Open your course in Canvas
  3. Select Gradesin the course navigation menu
  4. Select the Gradebookdrop-down menu
  5. Select your chosen view 

Outcome:You have changed your Canvas Gradebook view  

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Article ID: 1101
Thu 10/3/24 1:12 PM
Thu 10/3/24 3:15 PM
