Getting started with VMware Horizon (VDI)

Table of Contents

Performing common tasks on VDI

Accessing VDI

To access VDI, follow the directions on the  Virtual Desktops (VDI): VMware Horizon  page. Note that in most cases, it is not necessary or beneficial to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect to VDI.  

Exiting the VMware Horizon (VDI) desktop

It is recommended that you log off to exit the remote desktop. If you disconnect from a remote desktop without logging off, applications in the remote desktop might remain open which consumes additional resources that may not be used. After 15 minutes you will be automatically logged off. Any open applications will be closed and your work may not be saved.

Note: Disconnecting from VDI without logging off may create connect issues that prevent log-in the next time you attempt to access VDI.

You can log off and disconnect in two ways:

  1. Use the Windows Start menu to log off

  2. From the menu bar select  Options >  Disconnect and Log Off


The VDI VMWare Horizon Client desktop application will typically recognize any printer connected to your device and allow printing to your local printer. Printing permissions vary based on pools/user groups. Users who access secure data via VDI will likely be unable to print this information as a security precaution.  MacOS users will need to  set printing preferences  to connect to network printers that are already installed on the Mac computer.

If you have difficulty printing non-secure documents, contact the  IT Service Desk  for assistance.

Accessing your OHIO email on VDI

Yes. If you need to check your email while using a virtual desktop, we recommend using  Outlook Web Access  rather than Outlook.

By default, Microsoft Outlook downloads a copy of all emails to the computer it's installed on (in this case, to your virtual desktop). Depending on the size of your inbox, this can be a problem if Outlook needs to transfer a large amount of data to your virtual desktop every time you log on. If you must use Outlook, please change the settings to run in  non-cached mode .

Saving and accessing files on your local machine

To save or access files on your local computer you will need to configure the sharing settings in the VMware Horizon client desktop app.

To update the sharing settings on Windows:

  1. Right-click a remote desktop or published application icon
  2. Select  Settings
  3. Select  Drive & Folder Sharing in the left panel of the window that appears.
  4. Click  Add and browse for the folder on your local computer that you want to use.

To update the sharing settings on macOS:

  1. Pull down the “VMware Horizon Client” menu
  2. Select  Settings
  3. Select the  Drive Sharing tab in the window that appears
  4. Check each box in the window.
  5. Click the “ +” button and browse for the folder on your local computer that you want to use.
  6. Click the  Add button to select the desired folder

When using remote desktops or applications the selected folder will now display as a location available for saving and opening files. 

Software available on VDI

Complete list

OHIO has a large number of  VDI software applications  available to faculty, staff, and students. This list is subject to change. If you would like to determine your eligibility to access software not included on this list, please  contact the IT Service Desk .


To access files on your device while using VDI to access ArcGIS:  

  1. Select  Open Another Project from the initial screen.
  2. Select  This PC in the navigation window that appears.
  3. Search for and select the desired file.
  4. Click  OK to open the file

Microsoft Windows (using VDI on your Mac)

VMware Fusion  allows a Mac user to install Windows on their Mac and switch between Mac OS and Windows without having to reboot.

NOTE:The Windows operating system is NOT included with Fusion. You must obtain a licensed copy of  Windows separately.


Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a Microsoft Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding, testing, and deploying software. OHIO faculty, staff, and students can obtain access to  Visual Studio

  • OHIO faculty and staff should contact the IT Service Desk to obtain access to Visual Studio. 
  • OHIO students can access Visual Studio in the Russ College computer labs or in VDI by contacting the technical support resource within the college. 

    Adjusting settings for VMware Horizon client

    Display settings

    Application windows launched through the VMware Horizon Client can be resized just like application windows on your local computer. If you encounter issues with resolution or scaling check the display settings on your local computer.

    Remote desktops display settings can be changed before or after you connect to a remote desktop. 

    Changing before launching the remote desktop through the Settings menu:

    1. Open the Settings dialog box and select the name of the remote desktop in the left panel of the window that appears
    2. Customizing the display resolution and scaling for a remote desktop is not supported in multiple-monitor mode 
    3. If you select a custom resolution that is higher or lower than the client resolution the remote desktop window will be automatically resized to fit the client window
    4. Display resolution changes take effect immediately
    5. Display scaling changes require you to log out and log back in to make your changes take effect

    Changing after launching the remote desktop:

    1. The screen can be resized by dragging a corner of the remote desktop window to the desired size
    2. A tool tip will show the screen resolution in the lower-right corner of the window

    Firewall settings

    No adjustments are needed unless you have very strict rules applied.

    Bandwidth Requirements for VMware Horizon (VDI) 

    In VMware Horizon (VDI), latency up to 150 ms shouldn’t impact user experience that doesn't involve rendering or video. Latencies between 150 ms and 200 ms should be fine for text processing. Latency above 200 ms may impact user experience. 

    In addition, the VMware Horizon (VDI) connection depends on the internet connection of the machine the user is using the service from. Users may lose connection or experience input delay in one of the following situations: 

    • The user doesn't have a stable local internet connection and the latency is over 200 ms. 
    • The network is saturated or rate-limited. 
    • To check your current speed please click the following Link - Speed Test - Google Search

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