OHIO Accounts


Your OHIO ID and password are the keys to most online services at Ohio University. If you are new to the University or returning after an extended absence, you will need to activate your OHIO ID.


Who can access

  • Students, faculty, staff, and guest accounts.

    • If you are a faculty/staff member who is also enrolled in classes, you will have both a faculty/staff OHIO ID and a student OHIO ID. To avoid missing any class-related messages, you should use the link above to activate your student OHIO ID.

How to request access


  • Your OHIO ID connects to many OHIO services through single sign-on

  • OHIO passwords must meet minimum requirements in order to maintain security standards:

    • Must use at least 3 character classes:

      • Numbers (0 - 9)

      • Upper case letters (A - Z)

      • Lower case letters (a - z)

      • Non-alphanumeric characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/).

    • 10 character minimum

    • Cannot contain your user name

    • Cannot be a former password

    • Cannot contain certain dictionary words like "password" or "bobcat." Variations like "pa55w0rd" or "b0bcat" also are not allowed

Note: OIT  will never send you emails about an expired password.If you receive an email asking you to enter or update your password, it is a scam and should be forwarded to security@ohio.edu .

Connect with other applications

If you have access to a system that contains sensitive data, you will be required to use multi-factor authentication when logging into that system.

Additional resources

Service support

Get help


Ohio University strives to make its digital resources and services accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities who may also be using assistive technology. If special steps are necessary in order to improve the accessibility of experiences for end users, those steps must be taken. 

If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access OHIO websites, videos, online forums, documents, or other information technology, please let us know
For further information about OHIO's digital accessibility resources, see:


The Ohio University Information Security Office strives to educate and empower the University community to appropriately manage risks and protect OHIO’s information and systems. This effort is facilitated through policies, standards, an information security risk management program, as well as other tools and guidance that are provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the university community can teach, learn, and conduct research. 

For additional information about OHIO’s security resources, see:

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Service ID: 2
Wed 2/3/21 2:04 PM
Thu 9/26/24 9:38 AM