So you're admitted. Now what?
Since you're on your way to becoming an official Bobcat, now is the time to get in the OHIO spirit!
Desktop and Video BackgroundsRefresh your computer background or swap out your virtual meeting background with OHIO-themed graphics.
Phone BackgroundsEvery time you unlock your phone can be a mini-celebration of your official Bobcat status.
Watch BackgroundsIt's time to deck out your digital watch face in Bobcat pride.
GIFsSpruce up your social media feeds with OHIO flair.
Coloring PagesColor your way to relaxation with these OHIO-themed coloring pages.
Print & Cut Attack Cat [PDF]Pro tip: Use this to decorate at your graduation party!
Origami BobcatPrint and fold your own origami Bobcat.
Bobcat Snowflake [PDF]Cut out a Bobcat-themed snowflake.